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December Flies From The Vise

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22 hours ago, upnorthtier said:

very nice, great job on the wing. I'm going to tie myself a few of these.

post them when youre done tying

i wanna see how bad i did 😀

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Peachy Bumble 





hook - WFC Model 6 #10
thread - Uni 8/0 fire orange 
tail - golden pheasant crest dyed neon peach (2 Tsp Rit Golden Yellow, 1/8 Tsp Rit Coral/1 cup water)
rib - small wire gold
body - dubbing dyed neon peach
body hackle - grizzly dyed burnt orange (3 Tsp Rit Golden Yellow, 1/8 Tsp Rit Cocoa Brown/1 cup water)
1st shoulder - chukar dyed neon peach
2nd shoulder - Mearns quail dyed Silver Doctor Blue (2 packs Koolaid Ice Blue Raspberry/1 cup water)


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Mrs Haase

Hook- Mustad 3399 or equivalent
Thread - Black
Tail - Golden pheasant tippets
Body - Peacock herl, light olive floss, peacock herl
Hackle - Black
Wing - Slate

Forgotten Flies - Schmookler and Sils

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Peachy Octopus (variation)




hook - Maruto 206 BL #8
thread - Uni 8/0 fire orange 
tag - Orvis Saltwater thread fluoro orange/resin
tail - yarn sunburst 
rib - Mirage Flashabou opal
body - dubbing dyed neon peach (2 Tsp Rit Golden Yellow, 1/8 Tsp Rit Coral/1 cup water)
body - dubbing dyed neon peach
body hackle - dyed neon peach
wing - deer hair dyed burnt orange (3 Tsp Rit Golden Yellow, 1/8 Tsp Rit Cocoa Brown/1 cup water)
shoulder - golden pheasant body feather red


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Foam wing BWO

Hook: Mustad 94840, #14

Thread: Uni-Thread 6/0, olive dun

Tail: Hackle fibers,  grizzly

Body: SLF Super Bright dubbing, lt. olive

Wing: River Foam Wing Sheet, med. dun speckled

Hackle: Grizzly

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Nine Three Tandem Hairwing Streamer

Hairwing Conversion of a Feather Wing Fly

Hook - Front Mustad 3399, size 6; Rear Mustad 3399, size 8

Connection wire - .024 diameter Beadalon stranded wire

Beads - Transparent green glass beads

Body - Flat silver tinsel

Throat - White bucktail

Wing - Black over green bucktail

Cheeks (Optional) - Jungle Cock

Eyes - Painted black over white

Note - Omit the painted eyes if using jungle cock cheeks

Rear hook may be pointed up or down (as shown). Tyers preference.

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On 12/13/2021 at 11:27 PM, Vandelay Industries said:

Deceiver with Spawn FlyFish head.

Welcome to the site.  

Nice tie - great screen name -LOL. 

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Neon Olive Mayfly Bumble




Interesting how all of the olive-dyed substrates take on a different shade from each other.

hook - Maruto 206 BL #8
thread - Danville 6/0 chartreuse 
tag - medium tinsel opal 
tail - bleached pheasant tail dyed neon olive (2 Tsp Rit Lemon Yellow, 1/4 Tsp Rit Neon Green/2 cups water)
rib - small wire chartreuse 
body - grey angora rabbit dyed neon olive
body hackle - dyed neon olive
1st shoulder - chukar dyed neon olive 
2nd shoulder - Mearns quail dyed Silver Doctor Blue (2 packs Koolaid Ice Blue Raspberry/1 cup water)


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On 12/8/2021 at 12:45 PM, Chris_in_Louisiana said:


Sat down at the vise last weekend for the first time in quite a while.

Mayer's Mini Leech (jig-style)


Chris, these seem very clever.  How do you fish them?  Like a nymph or a streamer or both?  And I assume you use them for trout.  Thanks.

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Ann's Stickfly
Hook - Mustad #94840 or equivalent, Size 10-12 

Thread - Black

Underbody - Yellow dubbing, natural or synthetic

Overbody - Pale deer hair, which also forms the tail and the head which is trimmed to form a top-knot 

Ribbing - Crisscrossed thread

Can also be tied in gray, orange, green, red and black

This pattern was developed in the late 1930’s by Ann Schweigert

Another variant of the Cooper Bug, Devil Bug, Tom Thumb and probable more tied in the same manner

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