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Fly Tying
Capt Bob LeMay

Re-stocking/recycling flies...

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If you you use a fair number of flies over time, re-stocking and getting ready for your next trip is part of the routine for me.


This pic was part one and the flies shown are a mix of new ties, and "re-cycled" bugs.... In some cases all that was needed was a new weedguard or collar but a few had to be taken all the way down to the hook and re-done just like a brand new fly. Most of what's shown are the flies we use during summer. Pretty soon most of my re-stocking will involve much darker colors... You'll note the number of clousers shown - the second pic shows our last redfish on fly, released a week or so ago with another of those Whitewater Clousers that work so well around downed timber and up against heavy mangrove jungle shorelines (it's in size 2/0...)






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Capt Bob, thanks for sharing as always. And of course your flies look great ....


Not trying to derail your subject, but a question -- I know you tie two styles of weedguards -- the single wire like in your Clouser photo, or your special "leaning forward V" weedguard made of mono. Question -- when do you choose one vs. the other?


Back to subject: I keep a small jar near where I store my rods, and will snip a fly off and put it in there for various reasons (many times because it lost an eye). I'll re-cycle through those and fix up the ones worth fixing, but usually don't spend the time to get back down to retying like a brand new one.





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My tying desk was just super cleaned - normally it looks like any other tying desk... I was long ago chased out of the house and have my guide skiff, tying desk, rodbuilding bench and lots of storage stuff - all in the same garage (no A/C and in south florida...). Bugs are always a problem so periodically I have to clean it all off and make things look like I'm super organized (dream on....).


As far as weedguards go - I actually do three different mono guards and three different wire guards (some are specialty items - but I've only shown one of each on-line, mostly...). I much prefer wire for general purposes but always thought that mono was much more suitable for bonefish bugs.... That outrigger (or open arms) mono guard is only for reverse tied flies that are meant to ride hook up (bonefish clousers, crab patterns, etc.) so it's pretty much not a general purpose mono weedguard. This whole topic is much easier to show than write about (hope I haven't confused anyone..).

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Thanks Capt. I see there's another thread that this weedguard discussion is probably best moved to -- I'll ask you some additional questions over there so as not not get off subject.


Got lucky when the kids moved out that I got a room for my "hobbies" ... I have A/C; not sure how you could spend much time in the garage in S. FL in the summertime! :)




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While I do have ac in my house, there is nothing in my garage...


Talk about hot!


But no worries, it neve hurts to get a little hot and sweaty once in a while

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Put simply - I live pretty much outdoors - it's A/C, when it's turned down a bit that I have difficulty with. When I first came to south florida in late summer of 1971 I'd just gotten out of the service and back from a very bad place that was hot and steamy... I stepped out of my car and thought - this feels comfortable (but I couldn't see a bunker anywhere -and that bothered me...).


Yes, when it's really hot in my garage I much prefer reading a book inside - but if you're a guide in the 'Glades hot weather is a daily deal six months a year.

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Please stop with the weather boasting; we just went from 70 degrees to 7 inches of snow (and still counting) this week. I am in shock and dismay

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It's just what we're used to and we whine like mad when we have to go up north during colder weather (at least I do...).

Never wanted to be in Florida more than today. And, we whine when it gets over 80 degrees

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