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Fly Tying


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About Knuckledragger

  • Rank
    Advanced Member

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  • Favorite Species
    bass, bluegill, redfish
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  • Location
    Southeast Oklahoma
  1. Well it wasn't my first choice of dispatch methods. We surprised each other but I beat him to the draw and cracked him across the head with a maddock handle. I was surprised at how soft the hair was.
  2. Try it and see! I clubbed a skunk to death the other night when I caught it cruisin for a bruisin around my gamecocks. I like how the skunk hair is half white and half black on the tail. Gonna use it to tie up some baitfish or clousers.
  3. I really wanna go to that Agua Boa Lodge in Brazil for some of them big greasy peacock bass.
  4. I like my wild pork a little on the rare side too!
  5. I just fillet and debone, then just add em into the ceviche mix. Its perfect summertime beer food.
  6. Good goal! Because you aren't going fishing again for quite a while after the baby is born.whaa.jpg Nah..half my income is hunting/fishing. And I also wanna make sure my kid is in the outdoors as often as possible. My wife just rigged up a mount in her kayak that holds a car seat!
  7. I love em. Can be scaled, gutted and deep fried with the fins on, filleted then fried, blackened, baked or even in ceviche.
  8. Just to get out as often as I can before my first child arrives.
  9. Occupational Therapist full time Deer/hog hunting outfitter part time
  10. Nothing special for me. I drink Community. The stuff that is in all the Texas and Louisiana truckstops. It matches my soul..cheap, bitter and black.
  11. I've caught a few cats on flyrod. A few on olive hares ear nymph, a few flatheads all on clousers, but the most productive I've been has been with a hopper pattern. At a local lake I fish bass for, the channel cats cruise the shallows and will readily take a topwater fly. Can always tell when the cats move up into the shallows because all the bass and bluegill will stop hitting suddenly.
  12. I've shortened 3 flyrods due to rolling them up in my truck windows.
  13. That's an understatement. I've lost count of the number of countries I've travelled to to hunt and fish, but Mexico is the only country I've ever have a gun pulled on me by a cop demanding money after asking for directions or seen severed heads of cartel members propped up on buckets alongside the highway. "Come to Mexico for the food and warm weather..stay because you got decapitated!"
  14. Id be there to fish, not to go to jail. Don't break their laws and there wont be any trouble.
  15. You got that right. I do love fishing in Florida. Not many places I can go to and catch 20 different species in that many casts. Plus they have Cubans there!
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