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Fly Tying


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  1. A photo? You are lucky....I get a phone call where someone describes it to me. "It's kinda small and it's brown.....you got those?" J
  2. It is professional....he must be on pro staff somewhere. J
  3. What's the dubbing on the head of that one Dan? Great color combo! J
  4. Could be like the few in Wyoming, mostly dressed in Carharts and Snowmobile boots, with brown and gold polar fleece accents Sounds like the ones here in Edmonton. Throw in some cleavage tattoos and it's bang on. J
  5. I don't know what Nova Scotian fly tying groupies would be like. Not sure I want to find out. J
  6. So that you can compete in the tying olympics? Where are they being held this next year? J
  7. Yep. There should be a function to have the poll stay in the chronological cue regardless of when someone votes. That's not going to stop anyone from replying to 5 year old posts and bumping them to the top though. And chances are that all the mods can do is "lock" these. Someone with admin powers would have to do the part I mentioned above. J
  8. As someone who used to mod a forum where confrontation and smack talk was what it was all about I am sure you guys will have no problems with this group of fine, upstanding tyers and fishers. Have fun. J
  9. What hook are you doing your BRBs on Cream? J
  10. Agree with flytire....with one exception.....keep your chronies skinny! J
  11. That's her Mike. She had rhinestones on her jeans and blinded me with all the dazzling! J
  12. I got no reason to lie. It's a funny story. The other fellow that would come and help out at the tying booth had been told this before and when he finally saw it happen his mind was blown. Was a great boost to my ego. J
  13. I wish I was one of those. I bet they get all the fly tying groupies. J You've seen fly tying groupies??? I actually did have one. She used to come to see me at the 4 tying events I would do at cabelas each year. Would always put her business card into my shirt pocket at the end of the lesson. Haven't seen her at the last couple though. A bit forward for a gal who wore a large diamond on her ring finger. I always keep an eye out for her during these events. Her absence makes me wonder if the fellow who put the ring on her finger got wise to what she was doing and tightened the leash. J
  14. I wish I was one of those. I bet they get all the fly tying groupies. J
  15. Duck on the forward cast.....that fly is going to be heavy! J
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