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9 minutes ago
Viewing Forums Index
Viewing Topic: Scary Kayak Fishing Accident.
Viewing Profile: JayN
Viewing Topic: need to fill a caddis box
Viewing Topic: Fly Tying Thread
10 minutes ago
Viewing Topic: What else do you do with your time?
Viewing Topic: Stumped on a color
Viewing Topic: dry floatant question
Viewing Topic: Fly tying expos, etc
Viewing Topic: Hackle for dry fly tails
Viewing Topic: Only a few hats remain
Viewing Topic: October Flies From The Vise
Viewing Topic: Rotary functionality - Regal Revolution vs Renzetti
Viewing Topic: First Fly
Viewing Topic: Hitler defends the purity of fly tying
Viewing Topic: Lefty's Potomac Popper
Viewing Topic: Generic minnow/ baitfish swap