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Fly Tying

Jim Cramer

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About Jim Cramer

  • Rank
    Bait Fisherman

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  • Location
    Northern CA
  1. Just curious, who is the other tier with over 56 years of tying? Regards, Jim Cramer
  2. I'll be at the show this year, first time. I'll be making a presentation each day on furled leaders as well as tying each day. It is a long way from my home in San Jose, CA but as a previous poster commented, "Life is for living." Will be ariving on the 17th and hoping to sample some east coast stripper fishing.
  3. Personally I believe that one should use the largest thread with which he/she can neatly tie the fly in question. I strive to tie as quickly as possible as I believe that in the long run it makes me a more effective/successful fisherman. One does not not worry much about losing a fly in which he has spent three minutes tying, but if it takes 15 or 20 minutes to tie the fly he will not attempt to cast to the large trout under the overhanging branch for fear of losing that fly. Larger thread generally makes for faster tying, (fewer wraps and less breakage.) I use 6/0 Uni for most of my trout flies except the very smallest. Regards,
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