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Fly Tying


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About 15_10-11

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  1. I use Shumacow tubes.I pfefer then because it easier to made nice small heads.
  2. it is arctic fox. the softes hairs from bottom part of tail
  3. Several flies which I have tied for spring and summer on Kola peninsula. Most of them are without varnish but this I always do later . It is boring ;-) Rafal
  4. It is recommended for Kola peninsula rivers. I like to tie same for this season. Do you know color of back hackle? I am not sure that it is yellow? Unfortunately now Umba is almost empty the same like a lot of rivers where you can go by car. PS. this hooks I do not like .me friend lost a lot of fish on them Salars looks better.
  5. Anybody know this fly? Recipe or photo is welcome. Thanks Rafal
  6. You can use also normal needle in diferent diameter. I use them together with this show by Tompa. Also very good tool is big hook something like 6/0 for full dressed flies (with out eye) Shank is conical than easier you block tube on it. Any way 5$ has to be enough to fit most of tubes. Rafal
  7. This fly was very successful during spring last year in difficult weather condition on Kola. We will see this year. recipe tag: fluo green and red floss tail: orange fluro fibre Body: black a:ntron, cone head gold rib: Gold lagartun wire body hackle: yellow (but better yellow badger) front hackle: orange wing: orange and brown polar bear , orange crystal flash, blue fox, blue crystal flash sides: JC head: black Rafal
  8. Mini tubes for summer . they are only 6mm long . In water they are very tin , sometimes salmons like them
  9. It help a lot if wing is tied by small bunches Even with wing made on one color 5-6 bunches is neceseary. Shumacow followed with color of fox by color of flash. It means like on Shonguj yellow fox-yellow flash, orange-orange etc. The top bunch is the longest but I more and more flowed another idea to tie last bunch shorter Using very soft body hairs. It gives nice shape of fly. But like always what you like. Rafal
  10. http://tubetyer.tripod.com/mysite00/id18.html and same more this tehnicue you can use not only in oryginal tubes but generally also using metal or plastic pipe Rafal
  11. With small head tied on plastic tube fly looks more elegant. This technique you can see : http://www.rackelhanen.se/eng/10265.htm on this web site you can find also a lot of nice tubes with their recipes
  12. Nice flies but with bottle tubes it is impossible to do small nice head. It is why I and a lot fly tiers use another system and fly you tie before tube. Just little bit another idea Rafal
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