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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by Wellman

  1. Hmm long and black tipped. Sounds a lot like timber wolf. Probably not though.
  2. Nice Pattern! By the looks of it, it looks like great Canadian Mohair Brown.
  3. :thumbsup: Its a winner.
  4. Cut Catcher I can do that for you.
  5. Thanks Its a size 12 wet fly hook.
  6. Thank you Mr Vegas. Not a Altoids can but the same thing. I did use it for size comparison. Very small minnow.
  7. I know this fly probably has been done already but it is new two me, and I have never seen any like it. It is tied with DDH Dubing (ice dub) Wet
  8. Awesome ties! Awesome Photos! Wellman
  9. Awesome stuff! Ripping on the maple leafs.... its a CANADIAN thing eh.
  10. The blank is a Rainshadow RX8. The Reel is unknown
  11. Parents got me a custom 10 Weight and a beautiful custom reel to go with it. :thumbup: Now to choose between RIO pike line or Cortland Pike line any input?
  12. awesome flies!! I got the same gift.
  13. Talking about vises on this forum is like talking about cars and trucks. I like HMH (Ford), Griffen(VW), and the 720 Vise. (Dont Laugh) I however dont like Dynaking(Chev). I have tied on all 4 of this vises and these are my preferences. Your best bet is to try out every vise (like a car) and decide for YOURSELF.
  14. Some aboriginal friends of mine boil rabbit skins to make them softer. just think about it when you wash your hair (Before shampoo or conditioner) with hot water it feels softer. Boil to long you ruin the skin.
  15. I love tying leeches and minnows. So Streamer. Nymphs would be my second. You might want to add dry flies.
  16. A new addition to the fly pattern database has been submitted by Wellman: Midge Flex Damsel #2
  17. Its a winner. Another pattern you might want to try is a Canadian brown leech. Uses Canadian brown dubbing or a mo-hair. Its a mixtures of a bunch of colours. http://www.flippr.ca/pdfs/cb_mohair_leech.pdf
  18. I am very angered about this. I have loved the magazine ever since I subscribe to it. It was awesome when I could take these magazine with me when I went fishing or out to my cabin. Now I can only read them on my computer. STUPID.... The replacement Outdoor Canada is a bad magazine (good for hunters and spin casters but not fly fishing.) Most likely will not subscribe to the online version. It going to suck not getting my hatches magazine with my CFFM. Oh well I guess I have fly fusion.
  19. Kid Cudi, Kings of Leon, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Eminem, Brad Praisly, Bruno Marz, Kanye West, Killers, B.e.p ... etc Sirius My I tunes has about a weeks worth of music. I find my best flies come from listening to music. Plus I can crank flies out 3x faster. It also help that I have 70mm base head phones!!
  20. I think I know why.....Because they are a pain in the ass to tie and very time consuming. Sorry for my language, but it is true many people hate tying them. Newer streamers are very easy to tie and fast to tie.
  21. Thank You The Krystal chenille is from Hook And Hackle Canada. My Favorite chenille. Love the multi-colours and the flash. I got the Tungsten tape from a local sports store. I do remember seeing some online at Dicks Sporting goods. The tape is very old and was no longer very sticky.
  22. A new addition to the fly pattern database has been submitted by Wellman: Mr. Stock's Caddis Emerger
  23. Bloody Monster Hook - Mustad R72 Body - Krystal Glo Brite Tail - Marabou Head - Marabou Thread - Uni 8/0 Weight - Lead Free Wire One of the many!!
  24. Rod 1 Rod Price $500 Reel Price $200 Rod 2 Rod Price $200 Reel $175 The joy I get out of them priceless... (sorry had to)
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