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Fly Tying


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About jacktjl

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    Warrington, Pa

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  1. Got an awesome set of flies yesterday! Thanks to all swappers. Kim thanks for hosting and all the extras. I will certainly put them to use. Tim
  2. Thanks Fishing Bob for a great swap and the gift. Thanks to all for an awesome set of flies!
  3. Having a few computer problems as well. Computer is up and running but need a new printer. Fatal Attractors are complete. Pattern Tail and Wing - Caribou Body - 2 thirds peacock, 1 third orange glow fibers Hackle - brown Thread - Fire Orange
  4. Received a great set of flies today. Thanks to all and I hope for a great holiday season for you and your families. Kim, awesome job on picking the swappers and managing an on time swap. Thanks for the gift and tying instructions on the flies. I will be certain to put them to use. Tim
  5. Spent Caddis flies shipped today. Body - Llama Wool Rib - Dark Horsehair Wing - Partridge Hackle - tan and furnace Thread - tan
  6. Yellow Hammers shipped today Hook size 16 Thread - Black Tail - Pheasant tail Body - Peacock Hackle - Partridge dyed yellow The above image was taken from the Great Smokie Mountains National Park archives
  7. I will be tying my version of the Yellow Hammer
  8. I have some pheasant and partridge so am in. Tim
  9. Happy Holidays flytire and all!
  10. Awesome set of flies received. Bob I can't wait to try out that mixture it is much appreciated. Happy Holidays to all! Tim
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