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Fly Tying


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About lthrnk

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 04/07/1943

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    Sebastian FL

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  1. I know the wooden spools are available from craft stores. I have a bag that I keep to hold odds and ends. Not sure about the plastic spools, don't know if I've ever seen them offered anywhere.
  2. It is not uncommon to fish a 2 fly setup, and is very effective in all types of fishing. The easiest way I have found is to make this rig is to use a very long tippet, say 3 feet longer then normal (just an example) then make a loop back in the tippet with a double or triple surgeons knot. You now have a large loop in the tippet of about 2 feet in length. Cut the loop so that the short part is approx. 1/3 and the rest is 2/3 long and tie in the flies, adjusting the lengths to suit the fishing conditions. Easily done and you can use any favorite knot connection tippet to fly without fighting to tie on to the hook bend.
  3. lthrnk

    Furled Leaders

    Fry Flier Great job and way to follow up. When I first started making them I did the same thing and gave some out to the owners and interested parties in my local shop as well as the young fellow that runs the fly fishing shop in Bass Pro near me. Been on a roll (furl) ever since. One thing I have not seen anyone men tion here is the treatment of thread leaders for dry fly fishing. You do need to treat the furled thread leader with red top mucilin or other paste flotant of your choice or they will get waterlogged and sink like a rock.
  4. Thank you very much. It was a great day.
  5. lthrnk

    Furled Leaders

    About a year ago TODDFATHER , who usually hangs in the rod builders forum, was good enough to put to words the instructions for building the board (jig) and furling instructions. It made it all come together, that plus a little other research in to the leaders. I make all my furled leaders one length, approx 60" and with a loop on each end it is easy to just loop to loop a tippet of any size and length to give you what you want for various situations. Once you fish them you'll never go back, they are a real dream to cast. :headbang:
  6. lthrnk

    Furled Leaders

    I have been making and fishing them for a while now. They are really excellent and will improve anybodys' casting and loops. I make them out of many different materials from 6/0 thread to 4# Fluoro and mono. They are not that hard to do, just takes a little time to make the jig and figure it out. Once you start it is a piece of cake. I haven't seen it but there is a video made by Kathy Scott available directly from her with the info over on the FAOL site.
  7. Like Trav I also carry a Glock 23C in .40S&W and love it. Very versatile and great knockdown power. I have never liked the 9mm, not enough punch if you have a problem. Remember, when in doubt, empty the magazine. OOOORAH!
  8. lthrnk

    Cheap Ott Lights

    Lowes now has all of the Ott lights with all of the replacement bulbs.
  9. One other little trick is when you cut them do it in side a clear plastic baggie. You won't lose any and you can still see what you're doing.
  10. I second the Softex as Smallie said. I've been using it for years on all kinds of stuff and it works great, Just takes a long time to dry.
  11. lthrnk

    New appartment

    I know how you feel. Looks my office/tying room/closet. I'm still looking for the pin to the grenade that went off in this place :bugeyes:
  12. Are you putting a thread base in and creating a little valley for the eyes to sit in? Sometimes this helps hold them in place and gives you a better area for holding after gluing them down after tying.
  13. www.aswf.com for salwater and www.jimteeny.co for his all purpose nymph
  14. lthrnk

    I am leaving

    :headbang: Eyes and ears open, mouth shut. Good luck, God Bless and thank you for your service.
  15. Crotalus; Thanks for the heads up on the chest. I was going off island today and stopped at Lowes to see if they had it and found they had only the display left. It had a couple of really small blems and I talked them down to 40.00. Spent the evening straightening everything out, it really holds a lot of material. :headbang:
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