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Fly Tying


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Posts posted by picketpin

  1. If your like me and put lots of flies in your fly box a few get crushed down .take your hemos.and hold under a kettle of boiling water the steam will fluff them back up .just air dry with a few flicks of the wrist and there you fly looks new again. tight lines MIKE wink.gif

  2. Hey guys what is your favorite fly? mine is a picketpin it doesent look like any thing but it sure works fine .You can thy any size . you can tie as dry wet or streamer with a small modification of hook size and feather style. this fly i fish for perch to salmon . this is one fly i use all the time for walleye . thght lines MIKE

  3. Hi guys . well I have been amember fora couple of weeks now so i wold like to introduce my self iam PICKETPIN real handle Mike iam from birch island manitouland ont. Canada. I have been retire fo 5yrs now.Ihave been tying flies for yearsssssssssss. love fly fishing I dont know how to use my computer all that well.so I dont know how to post an AVATAR for my self as yet thank for have me tight lines Mike PS love this site

  4. the best fly I found for your area is a picketpin .i have caught every thing from salmon to perch. thi is another fly that looks like nothing seems to fool fish nomatter how its is used .this fly can be tyed in any size and can be fishedas a dry wet or nymph a streamer all with a little change in hook and body size good luck fishing . ilove this fly for my area here on manitoulin island and areas close to me as l live right on the water. tight lines. MIKE

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