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Fly Tying


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Posts posted by Shaq

  1. The Enforcer


    Alumanum Tube

    Peacock Herl Body Ribbed With Silver Tinsel

    4 Chartruece Saddle Hackles

    6-8 Olive Ostrich Herls

    Hackle: Yellow Dyed Golden Pheasant Rump

    Mixed with Olive Brown Polar chenille

    Collar: Chartruece Guinnea

    Jungle Cock Eyes


    IPB Image


    Newest Creation for Steel off the vise that actually worked...First time through the first pool

  2. IPB Image


    Hook: Scud 12-18

    Bead: Nickel or Black

    Body: Superfine

    Rib: Pearl Krystal Flash

    Back: Pheasant Tail

    Wing: White Antron

    Thorax: Peacock Herl

    Legs: Hungarian Partridge


    This has been one of my best searching patterns in mid to late spring. I tie 2 versions. One with yellow Superfine belly and one with green.


    And for those who care about the how







  3. Thanks Tompa! You are too kind. Your flies are inspiring! I think they are just the tickets for our spring steelhead heading back down the river feeding on salmon smolts. Your wings are fuller and I will try the techniques you say. I think my problems with the cones stem from too much thread. The only available for me is 8/0. I will search for recomendations.

  4. Sometimes You Just Have to sit back, relax and tie something out of a book. Making up steelhead flies as I go along has got my head hurting lately. And since they don't work anyways, I got out Dec's book (My Bible) and tied the Usk Grub. Had to sub the Badger Hackle with a Silver and a Brown one but I think it works


    IPB Image

  5. Verno,


    Targus has starting making some sweet synthetics. They have flash, synthetic seal and some craft fur type acrylic that was like 5 inches long. They make a shiny suerfine material at 4 1/2 inch fibers too.


    The recipe for this fly is


    Body: Purple and blue polar chennille twisted and run up the hook shank

    1 black marabou palmered.

    targus flashabou wine and blue holographic

    1 dark blue marabou feather palmered

    1 light blue marabou feather palmered

    Collar: Black schlappen

    HMH tube cone,

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