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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by Crackleback

  1. You get the last spot xrayts. The swap is now full. -Mike
  2. You two are in. Who wants the last spot? -Mike
  3. Looking for six swappers to join a deer hair bass bug swap. These can take some time, so a due date of April 1st should give plenty of time to crank out six good ones and leave plenty of time for spring topwater fishing. Feel free to tie different colors but all six have to be the same size and pattern. Toe tags, self addressed return envelope, cash or stamps for return postage and all the other usual stuff like always. SM-Mike-Wiggle Diver 1. Bryon Anderson-Slider-Received 2. sniperfreak223-Clouser crippled minnow- Received 3. essequamvideri-Morrish Mouse-Received 4. eugward-Skip's fusion bug-Received 5. grey brook-Marabou Muddler-Received 6. xrayts-Received Swap is full
  4. I'm thinking about hosting a deer hair swap. I could save you a spot. -Mike
  5. Everybody is always picking on your frog. Notice how I didn't say where I tested it this time.
  6. I've tested it. It's tied on an Owner worm hook and there's lead in the belly.
  7. Got mine. Here's a pic you guys might enjoy. It's my bluegill box. 99% of the box is swap flies, mostly from this swap.
  8. My flies are ready to go. I think I already have your address. Do you still live on Springhill, Blane? -Mike
  9. All the buck tail was tied hallow except the tail. It's tied in normal. Mike
  10. I've tied some for fun but haven't really fished them. I can see them working real well on smallmouth. Mike
  11. The bait fish I did is like the lovechild of a hallow fly and a flatwing. Basically it goes.....buck tail, white neck hackle curving up on top of that, then chartreuse flashabou with a grizzly saddle curving down on top of that. Then chartreuse flat braid half way down the hook. After the braid there's a bundle of buck tail tied reverse with another grizz saddle and flashabou on top of the buck tail. The front half is red UV polar chenille then reverse bucktail/grizzly saddle/ flashabou again but the saddle is chartreuse and the flashabou is purple. Finally jungle cock eyes all on a #1 TMC 600SP in case anyone wants to throw it at anything salty. The craw is a fly I've been working on and I'm not 100% sure which variation I sent you. But it's something like this. Back hook: Gamakatsu B10S #2 Tail: UV polar chenille and a pair of rubber legs Body: Estaz or cactus chenille Carapace: Magnum zonker Claws: Same but you cut it down the middle to get an even left and right. The base of the claws are glued to 2mm craft foam to help keep them spread. Legs. Schlappen Front: 25mm articulated shank, zonker over estaz. I cut the zonker to a taper. Medium dumbbell eyes. Some of them I made had mono eyes, some had rattles on the back hook. I know yours was weighted with dumbbell eyes but I also did a couple a tungsten scud body for weight
  12. I am so glad they made it. I've been paranoid that hair bug would get lost in the mail. There's pictures of two of them in the December From the Vise thread if anyone's curious what it looks like.
  13. For some reason I wrote the due date down as the14th on my whiteboard. I'll finish them up after work tonight and get them right in the mail. I need your address too.
  14. I've been in it for three years running. Might as well make it four.
  15. Sweet! Looks like it's packed nice and dense. Are you trimming with scissors or a razor blade? -Mike
  16. After test fitting the feather I put a drop of gel super glue at it's base. Poke it in place and squeeze the hair around it a little. I'm sure having the hair packed super dense helps quite a bit too. It would never survive fishing but that fly isn't going anywhere near water. -Mike
  17. After seeing all the amazing hair work on here recently I decided to give the punk rocker a go. All the feathers are ringneck pheasant. -Mike
  18. In the mail. Not only did I use turkey it's also my flies name. It's one of the wet flies from Bergman's Trout. It's kind of "Plain Jane" for a Bergman wet but they look fishy. Turkey Hook: Mustad 3906 #12 Thread: white for body, black head Tag: gold tinsel Tail: scarlet, I used duck quill Body: yellow wool Rib: gold tinsel Hackle: brown Wing: turkey -Mike
  19. In the mail. Hook: tmc 200r #10 Tail: red medium round rubber Abdomen: woven embroidery floss, black over red Rib: red wire, brassie size Thorax: Hare'e wiggle dub, bloody black Wing case: Black thin skin, drop of goo on top Bead: red glass -Mike
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