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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by Crackleback

  1. I mailed mine today too. I did a BWO with a peacock quill body and duck quill wings. -Mike
  2. I think I need a bigger net. -Mikw
  3. Thanks everyone. I take a lot of pride in my hair work. I've tied hundreds over the years and can crank them out surprisingly quick these days. There's no magnets or black magic or anything going on in that picture, they're just hanging off the stem by the hook bends. -Mike
  4. I'll join. I've got a pack of Martinek's collecting dust that are perfect for this swap. -Mike
  5. Got mine. It's been raining every day here but whenever the rivers decide to go back down they should catch quite a few trout. -Mike
  6. Got mine. What a crazy set. I can't wait to fish them. I might bring a couple with me to Arkansas to throw on the White. There's some browns down there that would gladly take a musky size fly. My fly was tied on two Owner 4/0 worm hooks. The tail is flashabou, saddle feathers, and bucktail. The body is reverse tied bucktail with shimmer fringe over it. I connected the hooks with 80lb steelon. The head is stacked deer hair with 12mm eyes. I put some CCG over the eyes. -Mike
  7. Address please. I'm just about done. -Mike
  8. I'm stacking up some hair bugs. Not sure if I'll do poppers or divers or sliders. If anyone has a preference I'm open to suggestions. -Mike
  9. Ready to ship. Do you still live on N. 3rd?
  10. A little slider slider for smallmouth. Giant 3/0 frog 100 inches of musky flies for the swap -Mike
  11. First fish on the swap set. Took Joseph Russell's Boogie Man.
  12. Whoever tied the worm saved my day today. It was a pretty weird day really. The river has went up about a foot in the last week and is just a little off color. I figure it would be a good day to fish the streamers from my swap. I barely wade in before I notice all the bugs coming off the water so I quickly ditched the streamer stick for my 4wt. Two hours later I'm skunked. Despite the hatch nothing's rising. I'm nymphing and the fish are ignoring flies that are usually a sure bet here. I end up tying on the worm as a dropper above my anchor fly and immediately catch three fish on three casts. By the time I lost it to a snag I bet I caught between 25 and 30 fish on it. After I lost the secret weapon worm I went back and switched to the streamers. Caught a couple on them too. -Mike
  13. I call it the Chubby Bunny. I usually tie it articulated but the one from the swap is just one hook. So I guess it's a half chub. -Mike
  14. It's Clear Cure Goo. I stick the eyes on with gel super glue then fill in between them with the thick goo and then a coat of the brushable over everything to even it all out. The eyes on the white one are the unweighted CCG dumbbells. The head on that one is craft fur in a dubbing brush. A fishing note on mine. There's a tiny bit of lead on both but a sinking line is the way to go for these two flies. -Mike
  15. I think you may be looking at the names backwards. The white one with the black foam back is eastern's.
  16. From my streamer swap that just wrapped up trez eastern fly gunpowderleader vicrider Dorado joseph russell Crackleback
  17. Yeah, yours were fine. I had one package that was about a dime short but no big deal.
  18. Just got back from the post office and the flies are heading to their new homes. I'd like to thank everyone for how smooth this swap went. It's all too rare that everyone gets them in on time and has return envelopes/postage but everything went great on this one. -Mike
  19. That would be cool. With your musky swap and two pike swaps going on already it would probably be more aimed at bass. -MIke
  20. The last set came in yesterday. Great looking set gunpowder. I'll get them sorted and heading back on Monday. I also think I'll get some pictures to post of the whole set. Thanks for joining everyone. -Mike
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