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Fly Tying

Rick Allain

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About Rick Allain

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  • Birthday 07/03/1966

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  1. Thanks for hosting the swap Kevin. I got mine Friday. Great looking flies everyone. Rick.
  2. OK got a crappy pic for you all.
  3. Hi Kevin. Files will be sent out Thursday. Sorry I didn't get pics up. My camera is toast. Rick.
  4. Hi folks, Here is the best Atlantic Salmon dry fly out there. Yes even better than a bomber. Hook is a TMC7989 size 4, yellow thread, rusty brown hackle, and of course deer hair. The tail is about 15 strands of deer hair that is not stacked. I then begin to spin the deer hair all the way up. The most important part is to not pack the deer hair tight; it must be very soft to the touch. Once the body is done, tie in 2 hackles at the front and do a complete turn in front and work your way back, about 3 turns. Then wrap your thread back through the hackle to secure it and tie off. Enjoy Rick.
  5. Hi. Actually its tied with deer hair and it is fished wet. I like to cast my bugs almost 90 degrees across and mend my line. With a wet fly you should cast 45 degrees. Nothing is writen in stone whatever works.
  6. Hi Jared. flies are done CDC March brown emergers. Where do I send them. Rick.
  7. Please count me in. Rick. March brown #12
  8. This fly is a mix of Green Machine, Shady Lady with black hackle, and pearl butt with white tail. Deadly on the Little Southwest. Rick.
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