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Fly Tying


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  1. Foxy

    Tying Area

    that is how i get started
  2. i will go to home depot, cut a wood board, have some paint finish then put my vise in it
  3. very nice work! i will put a whole in the box so i dont have to carry my base haha
  4. I will get a dyna king professional resale value is alway there well buid vise wont go wrong with it I do the renzettie but it to me just not as well build as dyna-king
  5. i just cant agree with you anymore!!!
  6. I m left hand as well, no problem with any tools in the market at all
  7. I will practise bassic stuff 1st, such as how to finish the knot, hot to tie tails, wings then patterns.
  8. I got mine from orvis, 29 for the bug bond 17 for the uv light plus they offer 25 off coupon
  9. I will go with renzetti or dyna king Either one won't go wrong with it. I hate to say this but think about the resale value no other vise can beat them and they sales quick! haha
  10. I can see this pen make legs wings shells tails but make a fly from scarch? doubet it
  11. The hook is metal so you just use the flat jaw to snap around your hook then the fly tying material will break and come off.
  12. No, a set of pliers will do the same job and faster check my youtube video
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