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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by RickZieger

  1. 90 degree jig hook with dumbbell eyes tied on blow eye., orange biot tails, variegated chenille body
  2. That is another gorgeous fly. Rick
  3. Two more woven, with the rubber rings cut in half for legs ect. Chenille bodies.
  4. I like them Heff2. I do bury a 2mm black brass bead in the chenille head to get them down in the water a little more. Rick
  5. my version of the Hipster Dufus Klinkhammer hook, wire tied on each side of hook just behind eyes of hook. tie on bead chain eyes,(I used red as all my black were way to small) orange chenille for abdomen, olive chenille for thorax, wood duck wings and cdc hackle. side and top picture next fly Thief
  6. I will get a version up in a day or two.
  7. experiment 90 degree jig hook, non lead dumbbell eyes tied on just below hook eye. brown mylar tail, 2 orange chenille woven up body and around eyes. Rick
  8. Pats rubber leg variations, non led barbell eyes on two and bead heads on the others. Woven bodies from chenille. legs are 1/2 of the round rubber bands found in the hair care at "Dollar Tree"
  9. Pats rubber legged woven with different color of chenille. Also with a bead head, but the wide hole put on first so it goes lover some of the front thread wraps. Rick
  10. Two more woven with a pheasant rump feather for hackle
  11. hook aberdeen size 8, bead head, woven body, pheasant rump feather soft hackle
  12. I think it is very pretty. Rick
  13. another gorgeous fly from your vise. Rick
  14. more nymphs with various materials
  15. nymph with biots or feather barbs for tail, dubbing bodies and different things for wing cases. Fat for the gills I fish for.
  16. no But while in High School One of the cross country ski races we had had some Olympias skiing in the race. Rick
  17. Me thinks that it gorgeous, but I am no critic. Rick
  18. dry flies on size 16 hooks. brown hackle fiber tails, various dubbing bodies, dry fly hackle
  19. quick ugly frog white foam tied on bottom hook, green foam tied on top. knotted rubber legs tied in back and front. Foam pulled forward and tied off Klinkhammmer tied with flash body next.
  20. You are catching some nice fish. Rick
  21. size 18 parachutes. feather barb tail, different dubbings on size 18.
  22. Look at the Flytyersdungeon.com for materials. He has some great prices. Rick
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