This has all been good advice. I decided to hold off on getting the Fluff and Flash stuff and head cement for the moment and went ahead and ordered the JS Economy Fly Tying Vise & Tool Kit, 3 types of J. Stockard hooks in #6 and #8 sizes (streamer, long nymph and the multi use hooks) and a spool each of black 3/0 and 6/0 waxed thread as these seem to be the very basic universal items to get started tying.
The Waspi kits look like alot is offered but I'm not sure if I'd use all the supplies.
Thanks, gonna check out and see what is really going on!
flygirl, maybe some silicone spinnerbait skirts I have can be modified into bug legs? also, my cousins hunt so I'll check with them on some dear,squirl, rabbit and hog fur. They just may have some to spare! Christmas tinsel eh, good one.
Ninja115 I spotted a long hair wig left over form Halloween and guess what color it is... Purple... Yay! I will get to cut it up some. and the links you post I'm gonna checkem out, thanks.