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Fly Tying

Nick Williams

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Posts posted by Nick Williams

  1. couldn't get on with the tools being loose and they swing forward when you bend down and just generally did my head in


    I don't have any of the ones I sell on hand right now, but the ones I make I found a way to eliminate that problem of bending over and swinging forward. On the ones I made I bought some clip on ID badges like you would wear working at a large company. then I cut the clips off of them and I used that as an anti-swing clip at the very bottom of the lanyard. With that clipped onto your shirt you can bend over and the lanyard does not swing out forward. Here's a pic of the ones I make with the clip, it's at the very bottom of the lanyard.




    Steeldrifter, what did you use for the piece you put the tipper spools on?

  2. So thinking about the whole nymphing rig... A lot of the rigs I am hearing/reading about have like three or four different pieces. What knot are you guys using between each piece? 


    I usually use a triple surgeons, I think, between my leader and tippet. Will that work for nymphing? 


    I also read somewhere that some knots are less productive in power transfer and turning flies over? Is that true, and if so what knots should I be using? Thanks for all your help!

  3. I never use bobbers myself when nymphing for trout. No snob prejudice there -- I just see no need for them and I nymph more then any other way. A lot of the tme I do use an indicator in the butt section made of 6" or so fluoroscent leader material or a short, flotation assisted, segment of decored, larger, fluoro fly line strung onto the butt of my leader. Watching for 'ticks' or dives in the hi viz segment really tunes up my reflexes and, as I get better at it, I can strike a taker as the indicator just begins to move. I swear sometimes after really working with that system awhile, I can and do anticipate some strikes. Then I just fish with a plain leader and watch the tie in point. I have used long, ten foot, rods for nymphing -- even pre discovery of the Czech/Polish methods -- because I got easier, more efficient, mending; longer drag-free drifts; and straighter connections to the fly.


    My favorite nymph of all is the Borger srtip nymph weighted.




    Did I understand that right, you use a piece of line similar to fly line as an indicator? I had always assumed that the indicator was for helping control the depth that the flies were at and helping them stay in te water column that you set?

  4. Hey I'm tryin to expand my understanding of techniques and I'm wanting to see how everyone, if you do, fishes with nymphs, i.e., favorite nymphs, favorite rig to use, ect. Any advice is awesome as well!


    I have tried throwing nymphs before, both as a dropper an with a float, but never seem to have any luck, nor do I have any confidence in it. I always end up wanting to just dump all my nymphs in the water and walking away!

  5. Why?? I can just use the forum "as-is" on my Not So Smart Phone by just using the web browser. Why use a middleware app when you can just go straight to it?

    You don't really nee it but it just makes it a little faster to get to because it saves login info and I can get to the forum with just one tap.


    Sorry I am responding so late. Yeah, this is exactly why. Tapatalk is just very streamlined and efficient to use. Having middleware doesn't matter, what matters is what's easiest. Safari is just not the best browser and is frustrating use compared to using Tapatalk for forums anyways. And I can also post pictures directly from the app as well which is nice since I only take photos with my phone.


    I do realize that it doesn't come down to the few of us who want it, but to the overwhelming majority. I was just curious as to why not. But I do recommend trying out Tapatalk if you havent, you will be surprised by how much easier it is.

  6. I wasn't sure where to put it, live and learn!


    I just recently tried Tapatalk so I wasn't sure about it. That's unfortunate though because it is very simple to use.


    I looked up IP Board Forum and all I found was IPB Buddy, is that the one your guys are talking about? It didn't seem like a forum reader.

  7. These were the Wapsi "Perfect Popper Bodies" size 10. I get them from Mad River Outfitters. with $25 order, you get free shipping, saves in the long run. I buy the bodies and hooks separately, a little cheaper that way.


    Nice, those are what I have been looking at. Two questions, yours seem to have more of a boxy squared looking shape to them. I haven't seen the Perfect Popper Bodies in the shape, so did you shape them yourself? And, i haven't used those bodies at all, can I get away with using other hooks for them or just use what they recommend?



  8. I'm looking into getting a new vice as my old one broke. :( the three main ones I'm looking at are the Peak rotary vise, the Griffin Odyssey vise, and the Anvil Atlas. Anyone have/used them? I like the Peak as it has a ton of options available, and also found a great price on the Atlas. So any advice?

  9. Well that price for acrylic paint sounds awesome! And I don't mind getting into using paint, but I guess markers just sound a lot simpler and cleaner to use? Maybe I should give paint a try, just looking for other ideas though. No matter what way I choose to go coloring they will all have a nice clear coat over them.

  10. Interesting topic. I always feel like the Gills are always pushed for LMB, but then i feel like I always see a lo more shad and baitfish colorations than I ever do say bluegill. I especially see that in conventional tackle. To be honest I never really fish with a panfish imitation, they are always more of the minnow type baitfish side of the spectrum. I am interested to see what everyone else says.

  11. What are you guys using for the popper part of those poppers? Are they pre made or are you guys shaping them yourselves?? I started hitting the ponds again since it started warming up, but the prices for small poppers is outrageous, so I am trying to come up with some ideas for me and my fishin buds. Any advice is awesome!

  12. Is there a way to gauge what size hackle I need without purchasing a hackle gauge? I always seem to end up using to big a hackle for my dries, but I would like to not have to spend the money on a piece of metal unless I really have to. So does anyone have any creative methods?

  13. No, Im not kidding. I agree with you, this is by far the best one out there, I am not trying to say it isn't the best nor discredit the talent that is here.


    What I am saying, however, is that if there is another fly tying forum or what have you out there, that I might gain something from. because let's be honest some of the material on here is harder for me to learn, say a SBS or an explanation of something here or there, because I learn hands on and visual best. So I theres another one out there that I might gain/learn something from, even if it is something small and minor, then I would love to know about it!


    This post is in the interest of my learning, not to be negative towards this forum. I have only recently started fly fishing and even more recently fly tying, so I am trying to learn as much as I can.

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