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Fly Tying

Nick Williams

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Posts posted by Nick Williams

  1. Not that I do not like this forum, because it is awesome, but is there other fly tying/fly fishing forums out there that I haven't found yet? I am just curious to see, because I may get something out of another that I can't get here, though I doubt that's possible.


    I already know and am a part of flydreamers.com, which if you haven't seen it go check it out. It's like a social network for fly tyers and fly fisherman, pretty cool stuff, but it just doesn't have some things this forum has. So therein is my question, what other ones are there?

  2. I had a free Saturday today so I decided to hit the river today. I fished everything from a wooly bugger to start until I figured out what the trout were feeding on, which were caddis flies, I think. Unfortunately they were absolutely tiny, smaller than anything I had with me, the smallest size I had was a size 20 mosquito. The trout would come check out my dries, but then wouldn't take. I ended up moving on to some midges, zebra midges particularly, then some nymphs and back to my wooly bugger. I never got the hook set on any of the fish that took what I had in the water. I also saw some trout rolling on the bottom, but that didn't give me anything either.


    So here's my question for your guys. When you get out there, and if you don't have an exact match to the hatch, what will you do? I tried patterns that have worked consistently for me before, but nothing. So I am curious as to what the "pros" do!

  3. Hey I got some fly tying materials from a friend and some of the stuff I don't recognize. I want to be able to label them so I can keep them organized before I put them away so if you can identify them please let me know!




    I think these might be turkey quills, but I wanted to make sure.




    No idea.




    No idea.




    I thought these might be pheasant.




    I also thought these might be pheasant.




    There are two wings here, white with darker feathers towards the tips. I thought they looked like a swan or something, but who would shoot a swan???


    Any help you guys can give would be great! Thanks!! And if they pictures are hard to tell I can take it from a different angle.

  4. One of them is an Ebay Seller Native Sun Products, I believe they're out WI


    They always have great supply of beautiful rabbit hides in various natural colors and some nice dyed colors.


    The other is a local taxidermist in my area so not much help there :)


    I just use a large old wooden cutting board and clamp the hide on one end, so I can pull the hide tight, the lift the other end up slightly to make my cuts. I made up a few strip cutters out of razor blades and craft stick(also know as Popsicle sticks but wider from our local walmart) the glue the sticks and blades together to create the strip thickness I want, i.e. 1/8", 1/4" ....etc.,




    I just looked at some of the pelts from the ebay seller... and I think I will have to pick up a few! Thanks for helping move my obsession along Mike! :D

  5. that's why I like to cut all my own strips/zonkers. I found a couple of good suppliers of grade #1 large soft tanned natural & dyed rabbit hides for about $8-9 bucks. Then I can cut all the strips I need either straight or crosscut and enough dubbing for 2 lifetimes :)




    Well that's awesome! Are you willing to share your supplier's name with us?! ;) Do you have trouble keeping your cuts straight doing that?? I imagine myself doing that and having terrible looking strips.

  6. Haha I understand. You are right though. I won't need much of the leather part of it so if it gets stiff it really isn't that big of a deal. The other side of that though is that I could probably always find a use for some clean leather if it was still soft.


    I will research and see what I can find!

  7. Nick, yes you can do it yourself. For bright colors, what you want is acid dye. Some colors are easier to dye than others, but I've found that most bright colors are easier than dark colors. Actually acid dyes work well on most natural fly tying materials regardless of color.


    Check this site for dyes. Dharma Trading


    I've used the Jacquard acid dyes & have been very happy with the results. Jacquard also has a website with a lot of good information about dyeing.

    Jacquard Products


    Just keep in mind that dyes are chemicals & should be treated as potentially hazardous to your health. They should also be disposed of properly.


    One note, if that deer hair is tanned, the hide will end up hard & brittle after dyeing. Not a problem when cutting hair for spinning, but would be an issue if you were to attempt dyeing rabbit strips or similar material where you intended to use the hide. I found this out the hard way! :rolleyes:


    Good luck with it! :)


    Sweet, thanks for the info! Is there a way to soften up the hide afterwards, or is it still just flexible enough to use? I wouldn't want to ruin a nice patch of deer hair.

  8. I recently found several patches of deer hair that are all white, and they happen to be at a good price. So is it possible for me to dye my own deer hair so I can get bright colors and stuff for bass bugs, ect? And are the ways for dyeing hair the same for dyeing feathers? Thanks!

  9. Nightheron,


    I just recently tied up some mice using the craft fur from Hobby Lobby, as well as a foam head, though not so similar to yours. I hadn't seen your SBS yet. Did you find the craft fur very messy? I thought it was the worst product yet for, I felt like it got all over the place. Have you fished this fly yet? In my water tests, making sure the head would stay just above the film, it seemed like it held a lot of water. Did you encounter any issues throwing it or anything?

  10. I drifted it about a month ago and the green crackle back got all the attention you could want for fish in the 12 to 20 inch class. I started throwing an articulated beef fly on my ten weight after I saw what I was actually drifting over. It was worth the effort. Lots of casts and only stuck two on the beef but they were ridiculous fish. I have never seen a three mile stretch of river that held more browns over twenty pounds in my life and I have fished a lot of different water. You are

    going to have a great trip!


    I forgot to ask, I assume you drifted it in a boat like a flat bottom right? Did you use a guide for that or did you just do it yourself?

  11. At this point, I will be wading. I do have a boat that might come along, but it isn't a flat-bottomed drift boat, will that make a difference? And regarding to where I will be on the river.... I have no idea, I have yet to be there so I am not sure. From all of the reading I have done it has seemed that being up by the dam is the best bet at the moment. I also have the chance to do some night fishing there as well if I want to, and I always hear that mice are a big one for night fishing anywhere so I already tied up some of those.



    Are pellet flies egg flies?? I haven't heard of pellet flies before.



    What does your articulated beef fly look like? It is tempting to tie up some big sculpin patterns to go throw at some of those big browns. I keep hearing stories bout them! I will have to tie up some crackle backs though, they seem to be productive everywhere.



    What is a G-Bug? I plan on tying up some scuds and sow bugs for the trip, they seem to be another "staple" on the river. Is there a map of the river somewhere so I can have a better idea of what I am getting into? In my reading I always hear about locations on the river, but unless you've been there those don't help a single bit!


    Thanks guys! You are a tremendous help!

  12. Im heading to Lake Taneycomo in Branson, MO in the next month so I am looking for some patterns to tie for the fly fishing there, but I am not just specifically looking at getting into any huge browns, though I wouldn't mind. Just flies that will catch me some trout! Any ideas/advice? Thanks!

  13. What a great idea! I used to have one (can't remember the name) but I've gone almost completely Mac, so obviously it didn't work. I use One Note on my work laptop all the time for work projects - never thought of using it for fly tying.


    I just downloaded Evernote. Might be just the tool I was looking for. Thanks for sharing, Bill!


    Let me know how evernote works for you, I may have to try that one, especially since it is free!!

  14. For the mice all three of them are fine and should catch fish. As for the picture turned sideways i dont, probably happened before you posted it like from the sd card and the veiwing/choosing part you know, but you can download something called faststone photo resizer just Google it for the blown up pics.




    Well it was from my phone to my mac to here, and it wasn't sideways in those either. I've had it happen to photos on other websites also, I can't figure it out. Alright, Ill check that out! Thanks!

  15. This is my first attempt at deer hair spinning, and I chose a mouse!



    These are my first 3 mice. The third isn't deer hair though. I didn't have much DH on hand so I didn't want to use it all on mice. But the third is craft fur with a foam head, but the foam wasn't enough to keep the head on the surface, so I will have to work on that some more. Other than than I think they turned out ok!


  16. How about Mod Podge for a glue/clear coat? Anyone try it? It isn't an epoxy so it isn't a rock hard finish, but it isn't as soft as Softex. I decided to give some a try, and while it is white in the bottle like Elmer's glue, it dries clear and looks pretty dang good. The other good thing about it is a sealer and top coat in one, it doesn't make you wanna die from breathing it, and it cleans up with soap and water if you get it on your fingers! I have yet to fish with one of my flies that I used it on, that's the next test!

  17. Great video! I'll have to try that one! Question about loop dubbing, can you do loop dubbing for all your dubbing needs, except for maybe the smaller flies? Or do you only do loop dubbing on some specific patterns?


    I only use a dubbing loop on certain applications, however you can use a dubbung loop if one has trouble getting a tight dubbing body for instance a dry fly pattern where absorbing water is an issue (you would dub the thread then double over and reattach your thread and then spin into a tight rope then form your dubbed body) . A tightly dubbed body is more buoyant then a loosely dubbed body. In this video, it is crucial that you use a dubbing loop as apposed to pinch and twist method, because the nature of the dubbing. The silicone legs that are blended into the fur would get trapped down which would end in a senseless use of this particular blend and a desired final product.

    TIP - Acquire a rosin bag (ie. for bowling) and apply it to your hand with just a bounce or two of the bag, this will greatly increased your ability to pinch and twist dubbing to your thread...especially synthetics.


    Ok, that makes sense. In the video you added wax to your loop, do you usually do that, or can you just make the loop and put the dubbing on? So basically I can get a loose and tight body for loop dubbing depending on my need? The part about the legs makes sense especially for this fly. Thanks! I will have to try some! There is a leech pattern I have seen that uses loop dubbing that I want to try, but I wasn't familiar enough with the concept then, hopefully now I can give it a whirl!

  18. Man, you guys are convincing! I am gonna have to get into my local one, which is Hobby Lobby, and take a look! Does anyone know if they carry markers that will work for coloring poppers, outside of sharpies of course. Just curious though, are the prices quite a bit cheaper, or are some things higher priced still?

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