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Fly Tying

Nick Williams

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Posts posted by Nick Williams

  1. Hey, I am curious how many of you guys some, or maybe the majority, of your supplies at Craft stores? And if you do, what do you buy there? I have been thinking about going in to look there instead of the sky-high prices of actual fly-tying material so I am wanting to know what you guys are actually getting there!

  2. Yeah, I thought at first that it was my hands or the hook point, but then I started watching myself and that wasn't it. The majority of my thread isn't high quality, it came in a fly tying kit as I've just gotten started, but I did go by some and it just seems to keep doing it. Kevlar, flat waxed, normal black thread, they all do it. So maybe it is the bobbin. What are some good ones and how much will they run me?


    You can get them for anywhere from $10.00 on up. Check around and check the trading floor section here. One is OK having two can really be handy but start with what you can afford. You also don't have to have ceramic. It helps on some threads but not all. I like Griffin bobbins and also am a bit fan of the Rite Bobbin- cerimag for deer hair work. I had the same problem you had with a bobbin. You can't really polish the burr out so chuck it and don't look back.


    Where is the trading floor section? Thanks for everyone's replies, they are helpful! I hopefully can get this part of my tying under control and move on to other problems! Yay!

  3. Yeah, I thought at first that it was my hands or the hook point, but then I started watching myself and that wasn't it. The majority of my thread isn't high quality, it came in a fly tying kit as I've just gotten started, but I did go by some and it just seems to keep doing it. Kevlar, flat waxed, normal black thread, they all do it. So maybe it is the bobbin. What are some good ones and how much will they run me?

  4. I keep seeing fly tying videos and their thread doesn't seem to have any problems. No matter the color or what not. Every time I'm tying a fly my thread always seems to get frayed, though it never breaks it still always seems to get all frayed up and then looks bad on the fly as well. I have several different spools of color and type, but they all seem to do it. So what is the problem with it? Am I using cheaper thread they are? Is my bobbin not as nice?? It is very frustrating!

  5. That sucks. I had a glue incident once but it didn't go on the desk.

    I was applying some super glue to the thread to help hold a squirrel tail hair wing in place. The dried glue on the applicator tip caught on to the thread and plucked the thread like a guitar string flinging spatters of CA glue at me; a few micro spatters landed on my right eye and dried immediately. When I blinked, the dry glue scratched my eye. Had to wear an eye patch for a few days and take an antibiotic. That curtailed my tying for a few days and made driving a real P.I.T.A.! It sucked at the time but we laugh about it now (wife and kids).

    Who woulda thunk tying flies was hazardous!?




    Wow, that's intense!

  6. The other day I was tying a streamer and I wanted to make sure I got some hair in place and to stay in place I put some head cement on it. However, I didn't put the cap back on right away and incidentally I knocked over the bottle reaching for something else. I don't usually leave the cap off but I was going to use in again in a minute. So I had head cement, which is Lacquer based, all over the place and it was not fun to have to clean up right in the middle of my tie!

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