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Fly Tying


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About majestyja

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 07/07/1972

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    las vegas nevada

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  1. One was a stocker for sure. The others were healthy full fin fish. I really don’t know how often the river is stocked. I am very new to fishing it.
  2. Great fishing 5/11 and 5/12. Indicator fishing produces browns and rainbows in deeper pools and soft Flowing runs. Evening caddis hatch around 6:30pm. Rust and brown in color.
  3. Addy please. Jig flies are ready to go out. These are a rainbow dubbing with flash. The fly was very productive last weekend in Utah.
  4. I am in BB. I bought this UV dubbing rainbow dun something or other. Size 14. thanks for hosting.
  5. I found foam tubes so the ants I sent you are a black foam ant.
  6. Chrisfish it has been more than a decade. Good to see you swapping again.
  7. Flies arrived. Thank you for hosting. Thanks everyone
  8. I’m in. Simple black ant thanks Justin for hosting another and keeping swaps going.
  9. Flies are done. Mailing tomorrow. Thank you for hosting.
  10. I’m in. Rhino midge. Thanks Justin
  11. to our tyers north of the line, I mailed your flies today. sorry for the delay, life and all of that blah blah blah........ anyway keep your eyes open. sorry guys for dropping the ball on this swap. anyone who has ever been in one of my swaps knows that I run them pretty tightly. so thanks for your patience and tight lines everyone! Jeff
  12. flies are in the mail, to our tyers north of the border, I will get them out by saturday. sorry for dropping the ball tyers! see you all in the next one Jeff
  13. oops!!!!!!! I thought the due date was on the 15th!!!!! My bad! I will have the flies sorted and mailed tomorrow we had two no shows so I will spread the extra flies amoung us Thanks Hillbillyredear for the strong reminder, I will close it out tomorrow Peace flygirl I got your flies also
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