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Fly Tying


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About carlp5351

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 06/14/1964

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    Lakewood, Co

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  1. Kimo, The new TMC Magnetic adjustable bobbin spins pretty good, I have been tying with it for 2 weeks. It's a lot better than the rite bobbin. The Petijean bobbin and the original TMC bobbin spin the best. carlp
  2. I would say between 500 and 600 spools of thread.
  3. Regal Vises are the best, clamp and go. The issue of spitting out hooks is totally operator error. I have tied hundreds of thousands of flies on a Regal vise and not once have I ever had a hook spit out of my Regal. Regal Vises last forever. I tied on a Dyna King for a short while and I would have to replace jaws about once a year because they where wearing out. I currently own the Stainless head and the midge head. They are just flat bomb proof. carlp5351
  4. I have been tying 25 plus years consistency did come for me until I tied every day. I was told once by one of my instructors that the best to improve is to tie a fly every day and tie with a purpose. Consistency will come with more time at the vise. carlp
  5. My first choice is Marc Petitjean MP-TT Bobbin. Spins well, easy to load and adjust for different types of thread spools. 2nd choice would be Tiemco, solid all around bobbin. Ones I have tried and didn't like. C & F Bobbins, the main draw back to me was they are heavy. Rite bobbins, don't spin well and take a long time to load thread.
  6. Pretty much use 8/0 Montana fly Co. thread, can tie down to 28 pretty easy with the 8/0. With midges it is more about thread control than size of thread.
  7. Mini DH hoppers, be trying out a couple different hooks for these small hoppers. The middle pic is tied on TMC2488 size 12. The first and last pic is tied on the TMC competition series hook 550 size 10 and 12
  8. I just purchased a Whiting Cree Gold saddle from FE and it was top notch. It was packaged in the Whiting package and if it wasn't I don't think it would have bothered me. You could take one look at the saddle and tell the quality was there. The service was top notch. carlp
  9. Extended Body parachute Callibaetis
  10. I have been tying on a Regal for over 5 years on this stretch. I have the Medallion stainless and the Medallion midge head. I pretty try to tie every day, and to this day I HAVE NEVER shot a hook out of either one of my Regal vises. When you shoot a hook out of a Regal vise it is operator error. carp5351
  11. Been working on extended bodies. Finally getting it somewhat representable.
  12. In reality it is a grizzly variant, but it is a very rare grizzly variant. I'm pretty sure Whiting farms knows what cree is. As far as what I'm going tie with it who knows. Even if I'm going to tie with it who knows. All I know is that I've wanted one so I bought it to add to my collection of tying materials. Carlp
  13. Been dying to get my hands on a Cree saddle and finally pulled the trigger. The Cree saddle is a thing of beauty. Found it at Feather Emporium, had to call him wasn't posted on his site. Cree saddles are hard to find.
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