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Fly Tying


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About lohi

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    Salmon & Seatrout
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  1. Another salmon tube from my vice /Peter
  2. lohi

    Dee sheep

    oh! BIG mistake in the recipe: The tube is of course black 3mm and RED 1,8 mm...My bad
  3. Nice tie Hans! I wish i could tie a fly that sparse and well balanced.Candy for salmons Regards Peter
  4. Dee sheep, the scandi way
  5. Thx beadhed and Piker.... ok, I have a couple of them ready to post here Peter
  6. The same pattern but here tied as a zonker:)
  7. This is most likely the most popular pattern for salmon fishing in Sweden. Its normaly tied the easy way on a brass U.S-tube without tail, body etc. But I like to tie my tubes "all-inclusive" Hope you like it Regards Peter
  8. Appreciate your comments:) I think they will do the job. We dont have steelheads in Sweden but seatrout and salmon will hopefully be triggered by the rubberlegs aswell Peter
  9. Thanks If squidros works or not? let me get back to you in a month or so because were I live the ice stops me evaluating the flies But rubberlegs in general works well on both trout and salmon flies. I usually use them on my flies like in this pic: Regards Peter
  10. Im on a roll this evening:) Gamakatsu Octopus hook connected with fireline to a home made 30mm waddington shank. Hope you like it;) Regards Peter
  11. Hi all! Im a newbie here at FTF. Im a scandi guy from Sweden so tube flies in templedog style is my cup of tea but I have started to tie and fish more and more with steelhead flies. Im here to watch and learn so please, criticise my flies:) Regards Peter
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