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Fly Tying

always a beginner

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Everything posted by always a beginner

  1. Howdy all, I'm Ron, I live in Minden Northern Nevada. I have always wanted to learn the art of fly tying since I was a kid. Not a kid anymore and with life and 2 children and now Grandson's (4) I have made the step along with my 11 year old fishing buddy Cory (my youngest Grandson.) We love to fish and do so in the Sierras or the local rivers and lakes. I bought a beginner's kit a few years back and Cory just found it 3 days ago. We've been tying (Trying, somewhat mangling) the Flys on the video that came with the kit. LOL I wish I had something to offer you Gents/Ladies but we are here to learn and share what we learn with others. Regards, Ron & Cory
  2. Howdy all, I'm Ron, I live in Northern Minden Nevada. I have always wanted to learn the art of fly tying since I was a kid. Not a kid anymore and with life and 2 children and now Grandson's (4) I have made the step along with my 11 year old fishing buddy Cory (my youngest Grandson.) We love to fish and do so in the sierras or the local rivers and lakes. I bought a beginner's kit a few years back and Cory just found it 3 days ago. We've been tying (Trying, somewhat mangling) the Fly's on the video that came with the kit. LOL I wish I had something to offer you Gents/Ladies but We are here to learn ans share what we learn with others. Regards, Ron & Cory
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