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Fly Tying


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Status Updates posted by mikechell

  1. My life can't get much better.

  2. http://www.flyanglersonline.com/flytying/beginners/

    Swept Hackle, Wingless, All Purpose Fly ... I just used that as an example of simple flies a tier should be able to do.

  3. LOL Yeah, but ya gotta love 'em.

  4. No, I've been doing some fishing and tying up the normal flies for that. But I am not home long enough to try new patterns ... the Wife's got other plans for my rare time at home this time of year.

  5. Just a question about FlyTyersDungeon. Do you get some kind of coupon or deal if I buy from them? Do I need to mention that I heard of them from you for you to get that? Just interested in helping if that's the case.

  6. Yeah, I went to the site ... I recommended it on another site about bluegill fishing, I liked it so much. I haven't ordered anything, since I am on the road. I need the financial officer's approval before I can spend ... which is the way I like it. Keeps me honest. I'll be placing an order about 2 days after I get home.

  7. I've been on this website for just a few weeks. I've just gotten back into fly tying. What website did you order all that material from?

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