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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by mikechell

  1. I believe the fluffy barbs are called "rachis". I use it a lot for tails and places I want movement. It flutters and waves almost on it's one in the water. Makes a fly look alive even when it's sitting mostly still.
  2. That's weird. Photo in the message ... wouldn't go. Photo in the "thumbnails" section ... posted with the photo. Huh.
  3. Green Sunfish. Inspired by a fly posted by flytire, I believe. That one had a feather on each side ... nothing else. I wanted to try it because it looks light and transparent. Tried posting the photo ... let me see if it'll go through without a photo.
  4. mikechell


    POPPIN' !!! Test passed !!!
  5. Take pictures of every fly. That way, you can look back and review your progress.
  6. Gotta go wipe the drool off my shirt, now.
  7. 2 inches today ... an inch yesterday and Sunday. 3 or so inches last week. Sounds like a lot, but it's a pretty normal summer pattern. Rain every afternoon. My sympathies with all those suffering from weather issues.
  8. Never said I didn't like Alaska. I like it just fine, at the exact opposite corner of North America from here! 😁
  9. Those are some nice slabs !!!
  10. mikechell


    Everybody loves a warm kitty ... even dogs.
  11. picture #3 is a Redear. Pictures #4 and #6 look like hybrids of Redear and some other sunfish, perhaps Spotted. Love the variety that comes with panfishing.
  12. If they told me there were experimental AI implants that would allow me to hear without this ringing, I'd probably let them operate on me. The chance of being taken over my an artificial intelligence would be worth the risk.
  13. I believe that's the largest bass I've seen you catch. Nice!!!
  14. Nice! Both water and fish!
  15. Some nice chunks, Gillage. Pretty bass, Squeezy.
  16. Excellent info, Mark ... but πŸ™„ on the pun. πŸ˜ƒ
  17. Welcome to the site. You don't have anything in your profile, yet. Where are you hailing from? Are you new to fishing, fly fishing or fly tying? Are fillet knives your main passion? Tell us a little about yourself, please !!!
  18. Fillet knives, in my opinion, are one of the few knives that aren't "brand" specific or better. They need to be flexible, which means they can't hold an edge as well as stiffer knives. As long as you can keep put a good edge on to begin with, any fillet knife will slice through a dozen or two fish before it needs to be stropped/sharpened again. As Philly stated, the Rapala knives available from Walmart or Amazon for less than $25.00 will do well for several years.
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