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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by mikechell

  1. flyminaj ... those are what I call beautiful fish!
  2. Good news, in today's world, is rare. This is a great story for a happy ending. Thank you for the follow-up information.
  3. I heard that camels can "growl/snort". Maybe it was a camel? 😄
  4. Admin, Mark, yes ... but also bulk I would think. My company used to contract me out to another company teach their dealership courses. I'm not saying the names, just to be "legal". The company I taught for is FedEx's largest customer, shipping more in one year than most do in 4. Because of that, their shipping charges were ... ridiculously low. I.E. shipping a "Pelican" brand tool case cost us $120.00 with UPS on average, when we're doing government classes. When we taught dealer classes, we used their FedEx account and paid $26.00 for the same box. UPS is less expensive that FedEx, so I don't know what the actual savings are. So, I assume this "pirate ship" company has worked out a bulk rate deal with USPS.
  5. Big Bang !!! Love it, and the spinoff Young Sheldon. A good way to put your feet up for an evening. Me? I'm going to bed!
  6. Welcome back TIER. Nice Grayling!
  7. This trip will be the bar for every trip after this! It's good to see you having a good time, Steve. How did the motel owner like his new rod?
  8. I don't know if it will work for you, but this is how I do it ... Then paste the link here.
  9. Smallmouth and walleyes ... THAT'S the kind of fishing I miss from up north.
  10. Been real busy, so I'm just getting in here. Wow! Steve, you're proving the adage, "A bad day fishing is better than a good day at work." Lousy days in paradise, must be tough ... but at least it's not work. Those are beautiful fish. So glad to hear you're having a good time.
  11. I live 30 miles north of Orlando. We got some (very little) winds and misting rain from Alex. I truly hope all you members who live south of me made it through the flooding okay. Consider this an "early warning" system and be sure to stock up and prepare for the next one. Based on all predictions, there WILL be a next one for Florida this year ... probably several.
  12. Yeah, they might cause a little damage to the banks, but they're a neat fish and they are vegetarians that keep the mosses under control. The big ones will devour a bed full of eggs sometimes, but not very often. I love those pictures. There's very few shallow sand bottom creeks like that near me. One, Soldiers Creek near Longwood ... I might have to make that destination in the near future.
  13. Agreed, feathers! And yesterday was even better!
  14. It's been a long time since I was down near Peace River and Fisheating Creek. Caught my first Bowfin on Fisheating. Now that I live north of Sanford, your part of Florida is just too far to justify ... especially with gas prices today.
  15. Yeah! I'm "stocking up" on hobbies for retirement. It's now less than 4 years away. (29th of May was exactly 4 years)
  16. Ummmm, as with those above, I feel a deep sense of happiness that you're still with us. I am also grateful that the strokes didn't leave you mentally incapacitated. You can still communicate, and that is a true blessing. Physical therapy will get tougher, not easier, as you progress. Don't give up on it. Use this time to not only get BACK to normal, but to improve upon it and get healthier. You'll recover from the surgery much faster if you're as healthy as possible when it happens. Most of all, welcome back to the living and the site. It's truly good to see your posts.
  17. Thank you, I am indeed. I was spending so much time in the work shop for a while, I just "forgot" to go fishing. Then, about two months ago, I was going to go, and one of my trailer tires had gone flat AND come off the bead seat. I couldn't get it to seat again. Just got around to buying a new set of wheels from Tractor Supply two weeks ago. Now ... I'll spend some more time on the water. I was starting to have serious side effects of not fishing. I was looking at puddles after a rain and seeing rises !!!
  18. I can't believe the year is half over !!! I realized I haven't been fishing since last year !!! So, I walked the local pond last weekend, and I got out on the river today. But I forgot the sun screen, so I wasn't out there very long.
  19. Oh, and Wife is looking at your pictures and flipping you the bird. She VERY MUCH misses her flowers.
  20. I, ABSOLUTELY, do not envy your Winters. But I DO envy your yard. AND your Bonsai. Beautiful. Growing up in Indiana, we had a row of Peonies, at least 20 "bushes". When they bloomed, those big flowers were gorgeous ... just like that one.
  21. If you look at patterns listed on this site, you'll find only a few that call for muskrat ... and even fewer that call for beaver. But, if you're going to list items on Facebook or similar site ... I'm sure there will be some interest. The only issue would be shipping animal products, which might call for federal licensing, etc. Good luck in your endeavors. Just to be clear, you can't sell anything on this site until you've achieved at least 30 posts.
  22. I can see that spot that needs painted. Other than that ... looks fine to me !!!
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