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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by mikechell

  1. Probably because of this line in the original post above ...
  2. I used to teach classes in Spring, TX a lot when I first started travelling for it. I used to fish all the places I could get to every time I was out there. Found a stolen bicycle, reported to and picked up by the Harris County Sherriff's deputy. Found the frame and engine of a stolen motorcycle, also reported to and picked up by the Harris County guys. I also found the frame and engine of a stolen motorcycle here in Florida ... Volusia County Sherriff people got that one. And then there's the old Coleman plastic canoe. Found it floating in a back water area off the St. Johns River. Reported it, but no one claimed it so it is now mine.
  3. There's was a company called "Cosmoline". Now it's a general term for a type of protectant/lubricant. Been around for more than 100 years. Weapons, back then, were almost always coated in the stuff. I spent a lot of time, in the military, cleaning that crap off of new rifles and pistols. If that rifle was coated in it, it could found in the box TODAY and be in mint condition.
  4. I tried this method once before, as I was trying to make "floating" mayfly bodies by trapping an air pocket in the tail. It "kind of" worked. But, without the needle, there's very little support to hold the wrapped body together, and the glue/sealant didn't last. Each one "unraveled" with the first hit. I've still got a few of the bodies I made sitting on a shelf. Decided they aren't worth tying up.
  5. It' a shame he dumped the eggs and didn't sell them to another breeder. But, everyone has their reasons.
  6. Couldn't end on a better note! Gorgeous rod !!!
  7. I seem to remember a plastic conehead like those for saltwater flies but I can't find any pictures online.
  8. Wow! Just Wow !!! I love the Jin and Shari you're doing on these trees.
  9. Pretty cool! You can make it "fly" level or do back flips? Is that just in how much power you apply at the right times? Or is it the shape of the ramp? Maybe it's just because the car is gone, or that I've only been there during Winter months ... but I don't remember there being that much space in your back yard. So, the Bonsai garden is straight behind the house, and this area is inline with the drive way ... I'm assuming.
  10. As disgusting as that situation is ... it's on a train, not a plane. I'm not saying it couldn't happen on a plane these days ...
  11. DFoster ... I truly hope you get some results, and this lady's fly rod and reel are returned. Despite some people's desire to prove their superior intelligence, hopefully, who ever picked it up doesn't know it's worth and doesn't read this forum, learning about it's worth.
  12. Get well soon, Mark !!!
  13. Those fish pictures almost make me want to move North. Almost.
  14. So, which side of the fence are you on? Never mind ... just noticing the oxymoronic gist of your comments.
  15. Yeah ... I was following your "true story" until the last line. That's an old joke. 😉 I consider it theft since they're stealing from the environment. Jail time ... at least a year.
  16. I'm waiting for the finished photo. I'm a little lost with the directions. Probably because I don't tie this type of fly very often. Looking forward to the photo!
  17. It's Alaska. He won't be released from the hospital until the Shaman says his evil spirits have gone (which might take some doing!). I'm sure he'll be back on soon.
  18. The very definition of Cutie Patootie !!!!
  19. How much is airbrush or paint brush? From the photos, it is hard to tell. It's another fantastic paint job, though !!!
  20. 😲 That one is truly developing into a beautiful tree!
  21. Welcome to the site Josh. I'm one of those who would keep up with an inventory, so I never started one. This app just sounds like another inventory method I wouldn't maintain. But this "community involvement" has me wondering ... why would I want someone else knowing what I have on hand? Isn't that a bit like writing on FaceBook, "Hey, I keep all my cash in the bottom of my sock drawer."?
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