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Posts posted by mikechell

  1. 18 hours ago, Steeldrifter said:

    Mike if it was never a tradition for you when you were younger to watch them with family, then I get why they might not appeal to you now.

    I suppose that's one of the issues being me.  I know we had some traditions.  Watching those movies was likely one of them.  However, my memory of my early life is mostly non-existent.   Dad used to record celebrations on film, so I know they happened.

    I know we had birthday parties for all 6 kids every year ... but I don't remember the actual events of ANY of them.  I know we had big Christmas morning gift openings with the whole family, but again, I don't actually remember any of them.  So, movies etc. can't bring back memories that I don't have.

  2. Parents once told me, If you can't say something nice, don't say anything.

    So, I'll just say I watched Christmas movies when I was younger.  I seem to remember I might have enjoyed some of them.

    Since I'm not religious, and I don't have kids to do the Santa thing with or for, Christmas (capitalized for those who feel the religious fervor) is just another vacation from work.  I don't watch any of the movies for this time of year.

  3. 64 years old and I've been fishing since I was 6.  It's always been "fishing" and "fishermen".  I didn't know it was called "angling" and "anglers" until I was in my 20s and in the military.

    Since the bible has references to "fishers of men", I will assume that fishing and fishermen might have preceded the other.  There's always been the desire to make everything seem more important or more prestigious than it actually is by calling it fancy names.  Seems to me people did the same with fishing and fishermen.

  4. Might be expensive, but I don't consider it "robbery".  There's a lot of training and experience in a good technician, no matter the trade.  A badly disassembled/reassembled microwave can actually kill some people.  The liability insurance a licensed business isn't cheap, either.

    My feelings on the issue ... if it's beyond my capabilities, then it's worth paying a good company to do the job.

  5. I tried to send you a PM, Bob.  I got the warning that you can't receive messages.   So, here's the message.

    Hey Capt.

    My wife really wants to see a crocodile.  You've posted several pictures of the croc at the boat ramp and I have two questions.

    1.  Is the crocodile always there?  And 2.  What ramp is that, so I can take Jennie there?

    She doesn't do well for long periods sitting in a car, so we don't want to drive all day only to NOT see a croc.

    Thank you in advance for your answers.

  6. 7 hours ago, vicrider said:

    I don't want to stick the wife and kids with this

    Thank you. Wife and I already have our cremation and burial arrangements set and paid for.

    My mother-in-law, on the other hand, refuses to discuss funeral arrangements.  She's not preparing, which means Wife is going to have to do all of that while mourning the loss.

    You're preparing.  I truly hope it's not necessary.  You'll still be here, moaning and complaining, 10 years from now.  

  7. Wife and I have been to all 50 States and I've been to 18 Countries.  I've fished in most of those places (not all, some were just travel)

    The one place that will always be in my mind is Sheldon Lake ... east of Houston.  I caught 40 bass on a Saturday and another 30 on a Sunday.  Most of them were over 3 pounds with a few close to 8.   Best weekend I've ever had on the water.  Every time I've hit that lake, I've been able to catch enough good sized bass to give me a sore thumb from lipping.

    As with statements above, I don't travel to fish ... but I do fish on my travels.  It's all about the fishing, and I don't remember ever being disappointed by the water I've been on.  I might not have caught anything, but it's always worth going out and trying.

    Oh ... I was disappointed while in Monrovia, Liberia.  So much trash in the ocean there that you couldn't see anything else.  Floating trash when the wind blew it in, trash all over the bottom when the wind was blowing out.  Definitely NOT a bucket list destination for anyone.

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