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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by mikechell

  1. mikechell

    Bad bear

    The recommendations for bear country is to carry pepper spray and wear bells. If you're unsure if the area you're in is "bear country" or not, look for bear scat. It's easy to spot. Just look for animal crap with bells in it that smells like pepper spray.
  2. I'll be arriving in Connecticut on Sunday. Staying in the Groton area. I'm not even sure if I want to take my fishing equipment.
  3. Welcome to the site. Hopefully, we can answer any questions you have. Just like most online content, though, take everything you read here with a grain of salt. If it can be taken as an insult or a joke ... always assume it was meant as a joke.
  4. You're correct Mark. I saw the second sentence ... but I guess I completely missed the first one. “"She was 12 pounds 3 ounces, the biggest fish ever! Before I went to O.H. Ivie with Dalton, I literally had only caught a 7 pound 8 ounce largemouth.'" That's what I get for "scanning" an article.
  5. Looking fantastic! Do you have to duck going through that arch?
  6. You're catching fish in that variety, close to home. Your bonsai garden is looking wonderful. Life seems to be good, right now! Happy for ya. Nice that the deer are comfortable that close. I'm fine with hunting, but it's good to see places where the wildlife is ... unmolested.
  7. Just a personal opinion/observation. If it doesn't make you sweat or improve your physical stamina, it's not a sport. Knitting, painting (art), cooking, etc. All these things can improve your ability to perform certain functions. But none of them improve your physical conditioning. Fly tying falls into this category. Fishing, the way I usually do it, isn't a sport either. I sit in a boat and cast. The most exercise I get while fishing this way is using the paddle to scull the boat around. Fishing during my last three week trip to California, however ... THAT was sport. Walking the edges of foot hill reservoirs took more physical effort than I've done in several years. It was fun, but I definitely put stress on my muscles and heart that proved to me they're all working just fine. Kinda wish I had that kind of fishing here, so I could do that form of exercise every weekend ... while fishing. Summary: flytying ... definitely NOT a sport. Fly fishing ... maybe, depending on how you're doing it.
  8. You can get an inexpensive vise with a "rotary" capability. A "true rotary" can be a benefit to advanced tiers, I suppose. But the rest of us can use a "rotary"
  9. I've had a Lenovo for several years now. No issues with it and I highly recommend them. Office Depot has a great sale going on them right now. https://www.officedepot.com/a/products/7316208/Lenovo-IdeaPad-3i-Laptop-156-Screen/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&mediacampaignid=71700000107550684_19775927934&gclid=CjwKCAjw3ueiBhBmEiwA4BhspHWOm9g1T6roSMv4fMq0ivfK9fdNXFltFoPQtfooGsoUJn0E71Lv3RoCV9QQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds
  10. I'm very happy for you. Behind the smile is my envious face. Looks very good, Steve.
  11. mikechell

    New Trucks

    That is actually not true. Although it could be said that "per combustion event" the modern 2-stroke could burn cleaner, it isn't true that total combustion by-products were less than a comparable size 4-stroke engine per distance covered.
  12. It was less than 8 pounds, if I read the story correctly. Not a world record (total size), just a line class record and personal best for this particular angler. I'm not taking anything away from her just because they were using electronics. As knotjoe stated above, electronics and sight fishing have been part of the largemouth fishing world for about half a century. Livescope is just the latest in that evolution.
  13. Although I have NO desire to live "up north" again ... I do envy you your trips to that river. It looks like such a great place to fish. I could cast all day in a place like that and never catch a fish. I couldn't sit on a log and stare off into space ... but I could fish all day.
  14. mikechell

    New Trucks

    Unfortunately, trucks became a status symbol. People who will never "use" them as a utility vehicle just have to have one with all the accessories. Like women buying an outfit for a dance/party (No offense to sensible women out there), those posers had to have THE truck. So now, we can't find a "truck". Just ugly luxury cars disguised as ugly trucks.
  15. A little bit higher head wind and he COULD'VE landed that plane like a helicopter. Nicely done. I particularly like the take off more than the landing.
  16. Florida heat has followed me to Central California !!! I couldn't be happier !!! It's supposed to be in the 90s by the end of the week !!!
  17. Starting Friday, I paid for admission to several lakes here in the Central California area. Woodward, Amador, Lodi and Pardee. Caught one bass in Amador and Pardee, both on a fly. Hooked a trout on a "Husky Jerk" in Pardee, but wasn't looking in the right direction when it jumped, so no video. It jumped twice and was gone. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gxngPexAmPg https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gstOqYaBWJw And I took one of the pollen off a pine tree. Wife is a hay fever magnet for pollen, so she should be glad she's not here. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TGfT9CCCnDM The site's not letting me "embed" the videos. So, if you want to watch them, you have to "click" them.
  18. mikechell

    Scam callers

    I rarely answer the phone. My "answer machine" message is, "I get too many junk calls to answer unknown numbers. If you know me or need to reach me, leave a message."
  19. Another of my favorite pieces. This one is "Adagio for Tron" from "Tron: Legacy". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aFIXKXYfEy0&list=PL7F37BB1A67E0238D&index=11
  20. mikechell

    Grass carp

    Up north it the Mulberry Trees that would draw the carp in. That or the white blooms falling off the Catalpa Trees. I've never seen those Ficus trees around Central Florida, denduke. Are they too "tropical" to be this far north?
  21. I learned how to use a Thompson style, just to see if I could. I learned how to whip finish by hand for the same reason. I use the cheapo depot Matarelli style because I like it.
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