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Fly Tying

Bruce Derington

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Everything posted by Bruce Derington

  1. Interesting comment, so there is some “hiding” going on up front, which takes advance planning. I took an 8 hour thread control/techniques course from a well known Classic guy, some great tips and tricks to keep bulk down
  2. Yes SalarMan this is quite nice, and like u, time to take? Maybe 3/4 days? As I put something on, take it off, put it back on, then walk away. For me, getting the head finished gives me @ a bug a boo”. I use a lot of wax, but then that can create issues. Quality of materials can be the challenge.It can be very costly when using IC and BC. To be honest I have gotten away from the Classic’s but maybe its time to give one another go, sold off a bunch of crow to some of the guys, might have to give em a call lol
  3. Just a free style I guess, a little of this and that. It was 2006 , Autumn time, maybe Autumn’s Fancy 🍂
  4. I’ve tied with Mike a couple of times, and he has his own technique. I’m fortunate enough to live close to John Mc Lain and through him I have tied with the best. For a few years he helped organize a annual fly tying symposium at Cleveland Museum of Natural History. We had options on who to take classes from, people like , Waslick, Nolte, Schmookler, Rendencich, Eugene Sunday, Chute, Wayne Luallen , ( 8 hrs. Class on thread control). I think it went in for at least 2 years maybe three and I took classes from them all. Great times tying , seems like I drifted off to less expensive tying
  5. As with most things, practice is key. Your on the right track, you need to get control of how many thread wraps you are using to secure material. I normally secure with 5 wraps, slightly in front of each other. Then choose next material and b4 securing it I take three wraps off. learning curve on Classics can be challenging, like properly marrying wings. The heads of Classics can be a bugga boo as well. im sure there are some videos that can get you going.
  6. Yeah nice first effort. Not sure what hook your using, looks quite small. There’s a lot going on at front of hook and that can create its own challenges.
  7. Here’s one of my old videos that shows Chris Helm‘s method in tying in collar and head
  8. Yeah, always nice to see deer hair flies
  9. I agree, those will fish great. I’ve got some samples of woven flies, I’ll post when I get home
  10. So Jeff is hard to compare me to, he is a creative inventer of patterns , and fishes them! I on the other hand , am a replicator, hardly ever fish/test any patterns , I see something I like and figure it out. Sorry for high jacking thread
  11. Yes, I remembered the "composite" term and Bam! But thank you big time for posting.
  12. Yeah, mine came today! Nice job guys, not sure I’m going to touch any just now:)
  13. putting a backdrop behind flys would make for better photo
  14. Finally made it to post office, in the mail
  15. Graham was very active on this site, but its been a couple of years since he's been here, I chat with him periodically on facebook. He is always busy making realistic fly's for special effects bugs on many well know recent movies.
  16. welcome aboard, grab a danish and pull up a chair, this is a great forum with many people with common interests.
  17. Stacking a bass bug to make it look cool is one thing, making one that "keels"/ tracks correctly when fished is another.
  18. So your comment of your own tying is interesting. We all judge ourselves when tying, and we all learn with each fly, (except those 1500 dozen fly's a year guys). It might make for better pic's that you install a light back drop. The fly above will fish fine.
  19. Cphuebert Love the Grey Ghost, Have fished it with great luck!,
  20. Yeah, deer hair is tough to purchase online unless you can ask for specific type/length. When tying comparaduns, muddlers , collars , bass bugs , they all require a certain type . I have been using Pat Cohens site lately, ( since Chris Helm ) passed . rusperfly.com. Whitetail fly tieing supplies, whitetailflytieing.com. You can ask for hair for comparaduns and thats what youll get. When tying the bigger bugs you want coarse long hair, 2" or longer. I think you can call directly with Whitetail and speak directly to Mike or Nancy and they can get you going , they know their Hair.
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