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Fly Tying

Bruce Derington

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Everything posted by Bruce Derington

  1. Bass Bug Hook: Predator 2/0 Tail: Buck tail, flash, Guinea, Polar fiber, Marabou Skirt: Yellow, green, olive, black, bright yellow Body: same as above ( stacked) Eyes: hollow graphic Legs: centipede
  2. Keeping with the theme Hook: 2/0 Predator Tail: Buck tail, polar fiber, flash , Guinea , Marabou Skirt: Peach, Orange Body: Peach, Orange, Purple, Orange ( stacked) Eyes: med. Plastic Legs: Centipede
  3. Last for the month Hook: 2/0 Predator Tail: Buck tail, SF fiber, flash, polar fiber followed by Marabou Skirt: Nature Spirit spinning hair, light peach , orange Body: Stacked peach, orange, purple, black Head: Orange Eyes: Dragon eyes 5 mm
  4. Another Deer hair Hook: 2/0 Predator Tail: Buck tail followed by flash, Guinea, marabou Skirt: Nature spirit spinning hair (2) colors Body: same but (3) colors Eyes: plastic Legs: rubber
  5. Nice, always a work in progress
  6. Bass Bugs, tied in various shape and sizes Hand held one is: Hook: 4/0 Predator Tail: Buck tail, EP fiber, some flash, followed by dyed Guinea Skirt: Deer hair (4) colors Body: Stacked spinning hair ( Nature Spirit) Eyes: Plastic Legs: Rubber
  7. Those yellow pest strips ( in a plastic cage), work as well
  8. Willow up in Huron City, little hike to get there, but I stopped counting at 25
  9. Finally got out to test my luck with the Season Geezer’s I recently tied and I wasn’t disappointed IMG_1001.mov
  10. A couple of Seasoned Geezers, tied on a 4x long size 4. Rabbit strip, SF Blend, flash, and Fuzzy Fiber, small dumbbell eyes
  11. The last few days Most tied on Ahrex TP610 size #1 Tail, calf tail, some flash, marabou skirt Body. 4 colors of Natures Spirt dyed spinning deer, Eyes , dragon eyes, 5 mm, or plastic eyes, solid 4.5 -6mm
  12. Much better ! Nice taper on body, hackling/ throat. Are nice. Be mindful of tag section, ( a little chubby), Question, are u using silk?
  13. Knowing the short comings is half the battle
  14. Can be common, possibly being over bleached and old, get a new patch
  15. As far as trapping hair there is a simple solution, after tying in clump, cut a square of plastic bag and cut a slice in it, that allows you to pass it through the thread followed by wrapping it around bundle. I then use a bag clamp to hold back hair then work forward, give it a try.
  16. I tie my the way Chris Helms showed me, (for the mouse ), tie in back section up to where the ears go. Then I trim that section, add the ears followed by one clump ( top and bottom). Then trim that, add whiskers followed by final clump. Then I carefully trim around the whiskers and steam for final trim
  17. Simply pull em up or down and get in with the ✂️
  18. More mice, 4/0 ; 1/0 ; #1 Belly is natural white, top is Mule deer with moose mane whiskers and mono eyes
  19. With the fine silks it is recommended to burnish in same direction as wrapping, more back and forth vertically, opposed to right to left ( back and forth).
  20. Now that’s what I’m talking about! You got it now
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