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Fly Tying

Bruce Derington

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Everything posted by Bruce Derington

  1. This pattern was developed by Poul Jorgensen and presented to William Conrad. This is a fun pattern to to tie
  2. Ya, I’ve been on this site 17 years! Back in the day this forum had a virtual classroom where we conducted many live tying classes. It was a great tool where if someone wanted to see a technique we could hop on and they could interact, boy I really miss it. In the end it cost too much per month to keep it going. Most were recorded by fellow member ellot166 I believe. He downloaded a bunch to utube under his screen name I think it was one things that made this forum stand out
  3. Hey Kevin! It’s Bruce, nice to see u back on. The site got messed up a while back and all my past posts/pics have vanished. With how you progressed in your tying skills you should fit in just fine. I’m still tying fishing flys weekly and haven’t tied a Classic since 08! The Durham is a great fly and look forward to seeing your efforts, The last Ranger I tied 2007, always room for improvement
  4. We didn’t touch a fish on the oak! Sandy was the ticket. Destroyed them on the Elk, up high
  5. What a trip, perfect weather and fish were on the feed
  6. Had both, definitely Spartan is min version. Great for travel vice. You can get 3 different jaws for HMH
  7. The Forged in 🔥 dude knows what he’s doing
  8. When you explained what you just wrote, it tells us that you got it! Knowing the slight flaws is half the battle, now you need to be in charge of where and how the materials act. They can’t dictate where they go, your the captain, keep at it, great job so far
  9. I think your doing great. As you now know, certain materials can give you fits. Many challenges on each advancing step. Any advice , I would say tail a bit long and there are ways to getting wings to sit a bit lower by having the proper ‘base’ making sure there is slight taper to last body section. I sometimes throw two turns over throat hackle once it’s tied in, allowing for smooth base. Difficult to explain. If wing collapses when tying in I remove, re marry then steam which will straighten up the unruly butts. Head looks great and fly is nicely tied!
  10. As they say, those dogs will hunt!
  11. I have fished alit of the greenbutt flies nice job
  12. Let us know how those work Nice job
  13. Love fishing Henny’s , moving forward this pattern shall be in my box
  14. Some use a drop or two of wool lite fabric softener in luke warm water, this a sometimes steam once they are dry
  15. One of the Classic guys has a gauge to mark off certain points on the hook
  16. Poor video there, nothing like Lawson pattern
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