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Fly Tying

Bruce Derington

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Everything posted by Bruce Derington

  1. The good news? Flies are in the mail, bad news? I sealed the envelope that is coming back to me so if u can’t salvage please contact me , I’ll PayPal any costs to you. Yeah, senior moment
  2. Is it still open , I’m in if so gallops found link
  3. Here’s a JS I tied and can assure you, this is no 30 minute fly. Nice video though
  4. Years ago I picked up his vhs , life cycle of mayfly, ( bought my turkey and cdc supply’s from house of Harrop). love those patterns. His transitional nymph pattern works very well Thanks for sharing
  5. I have sat with Bud and McLain in Johns basement, and tied a few, yeah tied one on! Our Club, Michigan Fly Fishing club (MFFC ), had Bud and Gordy as guest tiers. Great guys that can hold their own.
  6. Glad to see this kind of commitment, I’m afraid you have gone to the dark side though :). So now Toppings and tails can be added to the list of materials that can Be a bugaboo . Some will strip all the crest and siak in warm water with a little of woolite fabric softener. Followed by round and or flat glass. Years ago I sat in on a Schmookler presentation on how to prepare crests , by using a sheet of cardboard and an iron with steam feature. he would lay the crest on cardboard and start by holding By base of feather parallel to and Slightly above cardboard. Then simply lower until just the tip of feather is touching, followed by lightly Pulling the base, this “opens “ the crest , then give it a hot iron and a quick steam, must be careful but he was adamant that once you “set it” it shall hold . This allows you to alter
  7. So learning the new techniques can give you an appreciation for this form of tying. Setting the wings properly can be daunting and complex ribbing can get ‘busy’ quick. Great to see u working through the challenge
  8. Great stuff ! It’s great seeing your progression. Hell I became a better tier by looking at my photos, unbelievable what we miss, or it’s just off bit, ( for me it’s the far side). Nice job Chugbug
  9. Yep your going now! Figuring out how Different materials react and THREAD Control makes job easier and fly more Dandy. A little work on your ribbing and you’ll really be styling . Let’s see some more.
  10. No hackles are intimidating, makes it sound easy but those wings can give u fits
  11. Rounding out my box with a few basic minnow patterns. Hopefully I’ll be putting them to test On Steelhead real soon
  12. Box is almost ready ! Been 4 sit down sessions. Be headed to Erie Tribs when water conditions are right
  13. Body work is very nice, and the ghost is a great fish getter
  14. This a re-activated thread but We dont fish New York until November or later, just too many anglers and Zombi fish.
  15. Here in Michigan we get a great run of Kings and Coho, and in some areas the Atlantic’s show up in numbers. They ALL take egg sac’s, Roe, flies and streamers
  16. I love the site, visit it daily, compared to the old days this is a tame forum.
  17. LESSON 7 is the one that puts you shape. so important to understanding that you dictate where that feather goes , so knowing structure of feather rachis and how it reacts to thread pressure is 🔑 Fun Stuff That fly I tied above was fourteen years ago! I mean I still actively tie, sort of lost track of those days. Years ago we had a CLASS ROOM SECTION where we could meet in real time and I held many classes, we all tied together and if someone had a question I could immediately go back and re tie, yep the good old days. Met many many tiers, most not active here anymore. We couldn’t get the forum tiers to host any and I got burned out and the cost to keep it running became too much. Bacj to Lesson 7, great stuff right there. p.s. It’s been awhile but I got all my hooks from Ron
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