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Fly Tying

Bruce Derington

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Everything posted by Bruce Derington

  1. Edwin was a member on our Classic forum and we all knew him Well. Interesting but very sad story. He put some of us in a bad way by posting on our trading floor, posting things like , “ I’m selling off some Indian Crow To buy a new flute”. When the story broke we were dumb founded. It is a challenge to find the real thing, and I’m sure many question the trail of origins after Rist’s thievery
  2. Definitely have those tuned in, nice patterns
  3. I like seeing new guys sink their teeth into these. This is good effort and it looks like your on the right track, setting wings are challenging and you got them setting nicely. Yeah it’s fun playing with material, from learning how the rachis of a feather responds when “tying” in, to how to properly marry simple wings, it’s a challenge that you learn to master with time and Quality material.
  4. Yeah a lot of nice 👍 going on here. Love the kori dividing colors, makes that wing pop!
  5. Just watched it today, I have seen most of his , great resource
  6. Let me know what other techie things you want to see and I’ll try and put something together
  7. Hers a video on how Poul Jorgensen uses schlappen to build the stacked wing fly
  8. This particular pattern I got from Poul Jorgensen and his stacked wing procedure and technique is to stack, comb out then mount But note that I’m using Schlappen in this case. Poul always combed out his wings b4 mounting, whether it was Schlappen, goose shoulder, or died turkey
  9. I was lucky enough to tie with him. We had him at one of our shows and I was his escort all weekend so I took advantage
  10. Poul had many different/ out of the norm, techniques
  11. I tied this up using Schlappen, (5) colors. Developed by Poul Jorgensen. Hook: size 8 TMC7989 or Daiichi 2441 Tag: fine/small oval gold tinsel Body: orange SLF/ Seal substitution Throat: Blue eared pheasant and guinea Underwing: SLF Hanks/ Bear Main Wing: Schlappen, (5) colors Shoulder: Wood duck Cut out ‘wish bone’ slips that are on the left then stack one on top of the other, making sure the darkest is on top Then slowly brush out Then work the feathers to look like this, always holding the butt ends then positioning the Schlappen on either side and carefully keeping near side slips directly parallel to the underside, sort of fold over far side and tie in Then add Wood duck shoulders. I will try and capture with video the “setting” of the throat, and wings if there is an interest. The throat hackle isn’t wrapped, but “wishboned”, ( as seen in lower right slip photo) and tied in similar to setting the wings. On larger hooks we use goose shoulder or our scrap turkey wing material that’s too small for the bigger Classics
  12. I mix my slips b4 tying in. I’ m finally working on a step by step, should have something later tonight. I use goose shoulder for larger hooks and schalppen on size 8 and smaller, which will be what I’m working on for the step by step, sorry for the slow progress , hopefully you will see a different way to approach tying in wings and throat
  13. Much improved, however, watch the length of hackle, it should’ve shorter than the wing. 2nd fly looks a little front heavy,it may “ head stand” on you. Try and get three hackle wraps behind the wing. much better job, let’s see more!
  14. Yeah Gunner is a great source, you will get some great tips from his videos 😎
  15. No, in this case you cut out your slips, ( you need right/left sides separated, so then u start with near side , stack the different slips , one on top of each other, making sure the darkest section is the top one. Then holding butt ends tightly, carefully brush out to the tips and they blend together , and sort of marry together but in random order
  16. So I’ve done some thinking /searching in my stuff, on where to start with these fancy flies and came across some old stacked wings which are meant for fishing but kinda look artistic. There are some unique steps that you may find interesting and doesn’t cost much in materials or hooks. Classic materials are expensive and If you don’t know, so are hand made hooks, and I fear saying hand made because there is a certain tier that when he hears THAT I’m sure first thought to him will be I can make those, and there very little forging involved:). Anyway, these are pretty easy to tie, but I’m trying to decide to do this step by step pics or do short videos. Here are some examples, some of which were fished
  17. So , it will take a few days guys, still working full time.
  18. John is a great friend of mine and I have spent countless hours with him over the years, even shared time on the water. His knowledge and talent is second to no one and is more than willing to pass it on
  19. I’m thinking about putting a couple of tutorials together starting out with some simple techniques that may shed some light on this style of fly tieing / tying
  20. Absolutely agree about Rene’s influence, I wore that tape OUT
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