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Fly Tying

Bruce Derington

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Everything posted by Bruce Derington

  1. don't know why the image is so big I know I reduced it
  2. Heres a couple bass bugs that have done well for me so I thought I'de post them They float like a cork and really move the water when you give them a jerk. Great for largemouths and have had a pike or two smack em.
  3. I don't need t o fish these to tell you they'de work on St. Clair, we've tried similar patterns there and found them to be quite effective. Purple is the sh..t, it always catches fish. These are perfect for small mouth and would definately call in some browns(maybe alittle longer) Very nice
  4. Steelie, I thought I saw A post of you ribbing someone and you mentioned Salmon in the Little in July,it must have been someone else. This is 10th year on the Little for me in regards to early runs
  5. Steelie, your giving away a not so secret hot spot!
  6. We fish Lake ST Claire here in Mi. and this would be a great fly,for all species Carp included!
  7. Dano, Several years ago Poul Jorgenson showed me one of his favorate tools, I made one up and over the years its become one of mine als. Its a eye brush(avon or mableliene) and can be found in any drugstore in the cosmetics isle, yeah you might wonder why I know this BUT thats not important anyways, simply get a piece of velcro(male hooklet) and stick it on the end. See attached. These little hooklets make a fantastic dubbing tool that won't break your finer materials when you pull out the legs or throats of your flies. The other end is great for combing out underfur or brushing out collars, give it try, It will be one of the least expensive but most popular tools in your box Bruce
  8. OK, I know its alittle over the edge, but I think it has potential for something!
  9. I agree with fishyman , if the base is heavy enough you should be able to tie just fine(except with spinning or stacking deer hair). Fishyman mentions the height of the jaws(from the base)and he's right. some vices limit you to such a short distance(from the fly to the table) that if your using a long bobbin you don't have much room, especially when tying dubbing loops. As he mentioned, you may want to purchase longer "shaft"(that goes between you jaws and base) but without knowing the Mfg. I not sure if they offer the extensions
  10. I haven't been on this site very long and spend most of my time on the Salmon and Steelhead forum but I noticed Steel drifter mentioned he had problems working with Deer Hair. All of the responses were correct in that the type of hair and the packing are probably most important. If using hair for a head such as a Muddler,or a Zoo Cougar it doesn't need to be dense, that will only make it tougher to sink . Anyways, heres a frog I tied up simply stacking then packing. Steel Drifter, I noticed you live in Royal Oak MI. I live in Berkley like 1 mile away, so I'de be glad to show you some techniques if you like. Let me know, Iv'e got more bass bug stuff than you could imagine
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