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Fly Tying


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About USCGFlyGuy

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 03/25/1986

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    Panama City, FL
  1. Grass is getting thick so how bout some some hook up, suspending baitfish patterns. Both on #1 hooks with a couple wraps of lead wire on the belly to act as a keel.
  2. The head is deer hair. The rabbit if palmered just behind/under it. Thanks
  3. Last Monday I was lucky enough to be the honored guest on Dave's (Panama Red) boat for a morning of fishing. The weather man said the winds would be 3-5 all morning, but he lied. The plan was to look for Pompano just off the beach, but it was a bust due to the chop. We did however follow around a group of some very large fish which Dave requested I not name. So, we moved inside and caught some trout and lady fish, Dave even tangled with something that had more power than he could stop. How's that line doing Dave? Anyways, the flies I have tied this week are inspired by the huge collection of EP style flies Dave has literraly stuffed in his box. I cant wait for the chance to get out there again and get these torn up! Pinfish size 4 & 1: Belly is SF Flash Blend and Congo for the backs. Hollowed tied, goofy eyed thing. It should work if I ever through it. Greenie Size 1 Size 4 All SF Flash Blend Good old red and white, with some palmered red bunny strips. Super happy with how this one truned out.
  4. Mine just start get in position when they hear me pull up. They know it is inevitable.
  5. Well I think we might as well start using cut bait. No telling what the bay will look like after these 2 feet of rain are done with it...
  6. I know it!! A whole week of it is just not fair! You have to assume that the next week will be perfect to make up for this one right?
  7. I always just put a few coats of Sally-Hansens hard as nails on my foam. Seems to preserve it and make them float a little better. Plus it makes the tail mor rigid, creating more of a "pop". Thanks, I think they turned out pretty good. I would love to feed them! Only been feeding bass so far this year. But I cant complain about that!
  8. Tied these up today from a "gurgler" pattern that Mr. Blaminack posted on Instagram. Hope to feed it to my pet trout by my office if they ever decide to show up. Sunny day Cloudy day
  9. That is correct Dave, sometimes earlier depending on the wind conditions.
  10. I guess they do like the Jet fuel! Great job getting him on some fish! And spicy nacho Doritos... That is happening at my house soon
  11. Great to hear Dave! Congratulations! Good report too, a lot more productive than I have been so far this spring. Super happy for you. I am in Mobile right now, and I hope this rain does make to to us the way it is here. Like a cow peeing on a flat rock.
  12. I like it MadFire! I wanted to have a weed guard but I ran out of space....
  13. Heavy fur shrimp right? Didn't have any that fit that description so here it is. Body is Senyo Lazer Dub and natural rabbit fur on a #1 hook. Natural rabbit fur as in I found a big clump of it next to my office yesterday...
  14. Thanks for the support fellas! I love the Wonderod. A neighbor gave it to me years ago and I use it for bass and sunfish. So much fun to cast! So they say Dave... Have not fished the beach at all this spring, I would love to go get em. I think I could learn a lot from you and dave alike!
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