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Fly Tying


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About FIN-ITE 34

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  1. In answer to your original question, yes the cheap light work fine for your use. I bought mine at Harbor Freight for about 10 bucks and it has worked for me for a couple years now. If you are tight lining and want to make those type of slim bodied nymphs (and I do) you will have to coat with something and the fastest, easiest way is with uv resin. Amazon probably has dozens of "torches" that will work and are under 20 bucks.
  2. This interactive map has helped me locate PA trout waters. https://pfbc.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=65a89f6592234019bdc5f095eaf5c6ac
  3. My guess is that it's the solvent based version of liquidFusion.
  4. Much better job on the body proportions.
  5. My comment would be to make your body thinner with a taper from back to front.
  6. Looks like a bad piece. A lot of broken and damaged tips and it appears to be dry and brittle. Probably damaged when it was bleached. This is how it should look.
  7. Look for the "on/off" type base, as they generate a far greater amount of holding power. The cheap bases are sort of "tippy" but the other type I mentioned will hold far better.
  8. With flexible, tie too tight and you loose your ID. Tie too loose and your thread wraps come undone. That's why you need a rigid tube, so your thread wraps can be tied as tightly as you would on a hook.
  9. It's true about having to zap it multiple times, as I have had to do so. CAUTION: when zapping, remove the brush and allow the resin to cool a bit before replacing. The brush "ferrule" will melt and blow out the bristles which will render the brush useless.
  10. Description Badger Creek Real Seal Fur Dubbing Fur Assortment is real seals fur dubbing natural and dyed packed into a box. 12 great colors ideal for salmon flies, wet flies and steelhead flies. A must have for salmon fly tyers. This is antique stock and when sold out we likely won’t be able to replace it. Please note: colors may vary from colors shown.
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