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Fly Tying


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About tsimon555

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    Bait Fisherman

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  1. Thanks for the info! So Lefty Kreh's Saltwater Patterns is more a recipe book than step by step?
  2. Have a few books off the beginner list for freshwater, but am looking for a good beginner pattern book for gulf coast saltwater inshore species(flies; escpecaily decievers, clousers, bend backs, bait fish patterns, crab and shrimps patterns and other popular inshore fishing flys for snook red, trout, and other gulf species) Thanks and I know the clouser is a good place for me to get started. Love any suggestions for a newb! Thanks! Thanks in advance, Tony
  3. Thanks might have to give those a try then! agn54: What size Danville you do prefer for saltwater flies? Thanks!! Kirk- Thanks for the info, super helpful!!
  4. Thanks for all the great info guys! Feel Free to Keep it coming. Will definitely be helpful!! Wish I had the cash to employ Kirk to hook me up with a saltwater kit! I already have a nice vice and set of tools!! Couple of questions: -Most of ya'll use 3/0 thread for salt tying? -How about wire size or does that just depend on depth needs of fly? -Will Clear Goo UV Hydo serve my purpose for head cement for salt fly's or do I need actual head cement or something thicker, would like to stick with Clear Goo due to the UV watt BS, be it true or not. -The difference in 3407 and 3407DT? Duratin coated, longer shank?? Any good for tying on a cheaper hook? (I know the 34007 is Stainless and better just saw 3407DT at WalMart for cheap) -And what exactly is everyone getting at Dollar stores?? And Kraft stores besides peacock feather and chenille? CaptKenRoy, I am in the bay area (mostly fish the Clearwater, Dunedin, and St. Pete areas. I know up in Crystal River/Homosassa there is supposed to be some good flats fishing! Again, thanks for all the help guys and again please keep it coming if anything pops up. Maybe we can get a nice comprehensive saltwater list put together for the salt guys! Tony
  5. Hello, I have read many posts and info on putting together a basic set of materials for tying trout/freshwater flies (thread 6/0, hooks 12, 14, elk hair, deer hair, pheasant tail, beads size, etc.) and have done so but.... Can anyone help with suggestions for a Basic Beginners Saltwater Materials setup/kit? I am on the west coast of FL and will be tying for gulf coast species; mostly snook, reds, specs, maybe some tarpon. Any suggestions, on maybe your top 15-20 materials and any special tools, besides the trout/freshwater basics?? Or a link if this has already been covered before... Thanks in advance!! Tony
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