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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by scgobbler

  1. Those look really good. How about a tutorial?
  2. Very cool flies sir, thank you for sharing!
  3. Man alive! Those all look really good! I really like those dive bombers! The SC Gobbler
  4. When I was tying really heavily many years ago before kids and a good job... I used a product called flex-ament. Not sure if its even still around or not. It had a rubbery feel to it once it set up and dried. I would add it to the face of my deer hair poppers. The faces would be ever so lightly rubbery feeling, but then you could go back and trim them up and make them look really really sharp. Anybody ever heard of it?
  5. 2855 is what it says under the brake collar. Now that I look at it, my traveler is far more tarnished than the master. The traveler was in the fly tying back next to a padded pouch that has dry-rotted a bit and the soft, cushiony lining peeled away. Doesn't hurt the vise at all, just looks weathered and dull grey.
  6. Yes, it just looks like tarnish. I'll try some WD-40 first to see what happens. It was in my old traveling fly tying bag and when I opened it, it was a bit tarnished.
  7. Hello all, I am getting back into fly tying after about a 15 year hiatus. I found my Renzetti Master over the weekend and I am curious how to best clean it. It was shiny aluminum. Now it's all turned. What could I use to clean it. Syna-King has a video using WD-40 and marine lubricant. Are these sade or the Master and traveler series?
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