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Fly Tying


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About Peartree

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    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 03/10/1969

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    Richmond, VA

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  1. Only problem, is that the history being taught in school now is being altered to skew the view of upcoming generations. Was listening to the radio the other day where they were discussing the “new, updated” version of world war ll history, which they started with the bombing of Hiroshima, and the long term effects of that incident, while failing to mention Pearl Harbor, the systematic extermination of the Jews, or even barely any mention of Hitler.
  2. Usually they will try to stay away from you. I do know of one in a local pond that comes up when he see anyone because he thinks it’s dinner time. Neighbors kids fed him bread on a regular basis, now he sees people and thinks food. He’s never gone after a fly, but has snatched fish as I was pulling them in.
  3. So, I tore my bicep (dominate arm) and had to have it surgically repaired this week. I was wondering if anyone had recommendations on a low cost setup for fishing 1 handed. As of now, thinking I might just have to do the old cane pole method.
  4. Big blue I caught fishing late evening for bass, the other was the first fish I caught on my brand new 3wt I got from Steve. Both on clousers.
  5. They were really nice, healthy birds, and they are great on the rotisserie. They are raised locally and turned loose to hunt. The bird populations for hunting here aren’t great anymore. While we have tons of ducks and geese, the quail and dove populations are getting smaller and smaller. Too much urban sprawl.
  6. Good day with my son building up some fly tying material and meat for the freezer.
  7. We do man drives, but a lot of people around us use dogs. Hunting with dogs is still pretty big in VA, although like you said, it's changed quite a bit. Everybody's got high dollar tracking collars, and dogs have gotten a lot more expensive. They have tighten'd up the trespassing laws for people who "were just looking for my dog" on other people's property, which is nice. Nothing more frustrating than to drive a thick cutover when you find someone has turned their dogs loose on It already and driven everything out. It varies from county to county, but while we can use rifles where we hunt, it's a lot safer for everyone to use shotguns when doing man drives. Less opportunity to hit something past where you can see. The ammo shortage has gotten ridiculous, and here we can get all the bullets, and powder you need, just can't get any primers. Never seen so many people buying guns and ammo before. With all the riots and stuff here in Richmond, I don't blame them.
  8. Trying to fill the new freezer I got a couple months ago.
  9. First doe day of the year was this past Saturday, and my son killed a doe and a nice 3 pointer on the first drive of the day. Not to be outdone, I killed a nice 7 point buck in the same section of land on the last drive of the day. Was a good day other than the temperature hit 70 and we had to dress everything immediately and get it on ice. All deer dropped with one shot each. With buckshot being almost impossible to find, have to get it right the first time.
  10. Looking to buy a new GoPro primarily for fly fishing, and have no idea which model I should check into. Anybody have a model that they like or have any recommendations. Thanks in advance.
  11. My wife surprised me with a family trip away for a few days, and an opportunity to do a little trout fishing. We had major rain storms that caused a bunch of flooding, but midday today the river dropped about a foot and I was finally able to go out and catch this guy.
  12. A couple from tonight’s catch. Bowfin are fun, but the big cats pull like nothing else.
  13. Got him on a small orange popper. There’s a canal that runs through the property I live/work at, that has a ton of different fish in it and it is just a short walk from the house.
  14. Caught a few different panfish tonight, including my first crappie on the fly.
  15. Nice looking moose. I can’t imagine having to pack that thing out. Pulled big deer out of some really bad places, but just moving something that big is a feat in its own. Good to hear the guy did the right thing by you as well.
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