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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by Micke.H

  1. Great tying there, I love the colours
  2. Thank you, 😀 I'm glad you liked it
  3. Thank you, I think it can deliver😄
  4. Here is another spey fly from my vice, Orange spey. Happy tying Tight lines
  5. Here is two new spey flies I have tied
  6. Yes ostrich herl is going to work👌
  7. Hi denduke, yes I could do that, you mean for saltwater fishing after sea trout?
  8. I tying my flies on Regal vice😊
  9. Here is one new from my vice, I think the trout going to like it.
  10. Hi Bimini15, yes its salmo trutta trutta, or in Swedish we only say havsöring.
  11. Thank you, the red/brown feather is from one gold pheasant skin.
  12. Here is some new pike streamers from my vice, enjoy
  13. Thank you, glad you liked them, good you become inspired, you get to tie up some pike flies now, you can tie this flies on plastic tube or predator hook.
  14. Thank you, yes I think I going to catch some pike whit this flies
  15. Some sea trout patterns from my vice.
  16. Here is new Pike flies I have tied
  17. Thanks, The hook on this flies is Ahrex predator hooks size 2/0, then I have tied on plastic tubes and Ahrex predator hooks size 4/0 an 6/0 the length of this is 18 cm.
  18. Thanks, this was my first pike flies I have tied.
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