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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by Randi

  1. Hey my name is Randi Strunk I reside in northeastern PA my home waters are mainly in Monroe County including the big bushkill at resica falls boy scout reservation the broadhead and other pocono streams. I would like to say that dry fly fishing is my favorite except not very good at tying them so I self taught myself how to fish the deep water, nymphs and streamers. I saw this forum site and figured I needed to look into it I would like to thank all who accepted my request to join may everyone have tight lines and large fish
  2. Could not find anything on Google if you could send me a few links
  3. Hey all just wandering if anyone has plans to build a float stocking box thanks in advance
  4. Thanks I went to the fly fishing show in new Jersey and it seemed all the people that were tying were using it I guess I was missing the boat lol
  5. OK I've gotta ask...hear alot of people talking about Sally hanson hard as nails for head cement,do I do any thing special to it or is it ready just as it comes
  6. Hey all I'm in a bind,and looking for some help.I'm looking for an eastern March brown emerger pattern not too hard to tie but proven to catch fish thanks in advance
  7. OK so here it goes has anyone sat down at the vice not having a clue what you are gonna tie and just invented a pattern only to find out that the fly you created catches fish
  8. Would you be willing to share that pattern
  9. All of you are tying these fancy ties and I'm tying caddis emergers all the ties look amazing
  10. Turkey hill orange ice tea now that's how I tie flies
  11. Thanks gene I found power supplies on amazon was not sure of the ratings
  12. Would any of you guys know the amperage of the power supply
  13. Saw a video on YouTube...finish your fly cut the thread using your thumb nail snap the hook eye seems to "puff" up the final egg covering the thread wraps
  14. Thanks all I would look at the label except all the writing is worn off I have had this light since high school I saw a reply that said 12 volt?
  15. Hey all just a question I have a makenzie vise light as of Monday the power supply went bad.My question is are there power supplies available or a replacement light that directs the light right on the vise
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