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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by Losthwy

  1. Coyotes are K-9s I would think any similar color dog would produce the same. Ever brush a Collie in the Spring? You'll get a pile of hair. The again coyote culling serves a public good.
  2. Any desk lamp just put in an LED high watt equivilate bulb with around 5K (full spectrum) for good light. They use less energy than even CFLs, last 20K hours and are very durable. Using a white surface and a white background behind the fly helps a lot.
  3. I was watching a Kelly Galloup video and he had a tip on selecting deer hair. So many of his patterns uses spun deer hair and he's tied thousands figure he ought to know. Deer harvested early the year is straight and doesn't make for good deer hair heads. You want to select deer hair that is harvested later and is wavy. Sure enough I went down to a local shop to buy some green deer hair. They had 5 packs on the rack but only one of them was the wavy.
  4. Looks like a good tool even if it saves me from one cut finger. I plan on tying some deer head streamers in the next few weeks. So I ordered one in red delrin.
  5. Red Disco Midge #18 is one of my favorites. Easy to tie.
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