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Fly Tying


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About patze003

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    Bait Fisherman

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  1. Hello Fly Tying Forum, Could I please have some help identifying the hooks in these photos. Admittedly these are great looking flies and I have some on order, but I am trying to replicate some of the style myself, particularly hooks that will take an orange brass cone like the one pictured. Questions are: 1) Hook type? 2) Hook size? 3) Orange brass cone size? -many thanks.
  2. Hi Folks, What do you like for your bass bug and mouse patterns? Nature's Spirit sells "spinning hair" which looks like it is from the regular hide versus their "deer belly hair" which is belly hair dyed. Also, Pat Cohen's site looks like it has nice spinning hair. Any other sources?
  3. Thanks for the helpful feedback. Do you think I should use less hair, or can I just trim it down more in the future?
  4. Hi all, I am trying to figure out why my Dahlberg keeps flipping over during the retrieve. I am using a size 2 B10s which I think should carry enough weight on the underside. Typically the tail is a little flash and 4 neck hackles. I do layer quite a bit of different colors on the top side as I am building up the deer hair to get a tight pack and nice color blend. Perhaps it is holding too much water and flipping over. Thoughts?
  5. Hi all, I have some old fly tying hooks from my first Orvis fly tying kit in 1995 or so. Are these hooks still worth tying on? My concern would be that they are not as sharp as the new chemically sharpened hooks. Thanks.
  6. Hi all, I have a couple questions I was wondering if I could get some help on. 1) I have been tying the Quigley Film Critic and it doesn't seem to float too well. I'm using TMC 2487 but wondering how to make the body sit below surface with rest above? Or maybe it's better to have it all float an inch or 2 below and pair it with a dry 12 inches above as a strike indicator? 2) How are the proportions on these flies? They are all size 18 3) Has anyone used medium ginger instead of coachman brown, does it work as well? (last pic is ginger)
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