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Fly Tying


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Everything posted by chugbug27

  1. Jim's Fly Co is great. He also has pics of each cape and saddle for sale on the site. He has two Whiting midge saddles in furnace, bronze grade ($93), sizes 16-20. https://jimsflyco.com/whiting-furnace-rooster-capes-and-saddles/
  2. Call Dette's, they're very helpful and knowledgeable.
  3. Anyway, I really like your work, I hope you keep going with it!
  4. On your point, Peter Hayes and Dan Stazicker have a theory to tie fly patterns in non-identical fashion to better imitate the uniqueness of the flies they are matching... From their e-book, Flies that Trout Prefer: After displaying a batch of beautiful, identically tied flies...
  5. I really enjoyed that, and learned a new word even besides leaning a new way to fish the baetis hatch! Thanks for all that hard work, really pays off
  6. I owned a bright blue WRX Impreza hatchback for just a handful of months in 2003 before my first wife totaled it. She survived without a scratch. That car could go
  7. Winner winner tv dinner there, Darrell
  8. 😁 For biot wings you can translate what Tim Flager shows here for tails, if you are looking for tricks to help make it easier. https://youtu.be/-NfQyZecNl8?feature=shared
  9. Charlie Craven put out a very good video on this https://youtu.be/YN4a9qM3r0E?feature=shared
  10. Here's a publication by the International Association of Defense Counsel (an invitation-only collective of corporate defense counsel and insurance executives) showing which states do and don't have laws protecting against bad faith by insurance companies, and if so whether damages are limited to what is protected by the policy or include things like emotional distress, punitive damages, etc. (1st party is the insured, 3rd party is the person injured by the insured.) In Florida bad faith protections are built into the statutes (not left for courts to diminish), and provide an array of damages beyond the policy (consequential damages, attorney fees, punitive damages, etc). In Michigan you're limited to what's insured under the policy, unless you can prove what's needed to get punitive damages (typically proof of actual malice or fraudulent intent is required to get punitives). https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.iadclaw.org/assets/1/7/50_State_Insurance_Bad_Faith_Reference_Guide.pdf&ved=2ahUKEwiuyJL23fSHAxVAMdAFHU5tBUcQFnoECBQQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3Ms7Mjw-r2PanPVqGXh4pC
  11. Here's Craven's article - really clear discussion on which hair for which wings and why https://midcurrent.com/flies/fly-tying-hair-selection/
  12. I haven't been able to log in there or re-register for probably six months now, maybe more. It seems like that happens here and there but not for the whole site. I do hope they fix it.
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