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Fly Tying

Frank G. Swarner III

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Posts posted by Frank G. Swarner III

  1. Had a fun weekend tying flies at the Lancaster fly fishing show this weekend. Stuck with dees the entire time. Had a friend give me some hooks and told me he wanted two flies tied on them and the hooks were mine. I tied two mini dee flies on them that are about an 1 1/4" long. They were a challenge!! One of the vendors nearby my table was a painter and he asked if he could paint a two of my flies, so of course i said yes. He painted two of each fly and gave me one for each fly...very cool!! Also scored some free green wing teal feathers that were harvested in mexico!!









  2. Looking forward to another fun steelhead season!! Can't wait to swing this one.

    40 mm senyo shank
    .018 beadalon wire with daiichi stinger hook

    Rear - pearl krystal flash, coyote or arctic fox, pearl ice wing, amherst fibers

    body - flat braid pearl or silver
    collar - pink schlappen

    front - coyote or arctic fox, amherst fibers
    eyes - barbell type with chartreuse ice dubbing figure 8 around eyes

    Wing top and bottom - chartreuse ice wing


  3. Well...steelhead season is right around the corner and I had some time to play around at the vice a little. These are tied on 25mm senyo shanks with beadalon .018 wire used to attach the hook. A body of polar chenille, wing of artic fox with some flash, more arctic fox and some minnow fringe or angel hair flash in the very top. Bead chain eyes and synthetic JC by pro tube.


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