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Fly Tying


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  1. It looks like a Parachute Gold Ribbed Hares Ear. Chase eaglecreekcustom.com
  2. Where I am there is no designated fly shops. Their is Ace Hardware, BI mart, and a few other places. I supply an outdoor store with flies. Chase eaglecreekcustom.com
  3. Did you know Cabales started as a just fly shop?
  4. I am getting started fly fishing in Oregon and wondering if you know any hatches? If you do, what is the date. Thank you
  5. Sorry, I forgot to add that we have the taxes taken care of for shipping
  6. Right now, we are working on the business license. We are in Oregon so their are no taxes.
  7. Do you know any Niche fly markets? Thank you for you support
  8. Some flies require stacking and others do not. Chase eaglecreekcustom.com
  9. Hi, I am Chase and I am 12. I run and own Eagle Creek Custom Flies. Eagle Creek Custom Flies is a kid run and kid owned business. I tie quality flies in the USA. We are here for you when you need to gear up for another trip or you need a custom fly. What is a custom fly? It is a fly pattern or color you can't find. We have a custom fly motto, "You want it, we will tie it." eaglecreekcustom.com Thank for your support and have fun fishing. Chase
  10. I have been adding to my colection of fly tying stuff, almost $1000
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