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Fly Tying


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About hiddentalus

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    Kamloops, BC

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  1. I don't fish/tie dries very often. Leeches and scuds = simi seal and a touch of ice dub. Wooly Buggers and most nymphs = SLF bug dub.
  2. I have skin allergies to some materials/glue (Solarez is the worst). Similar thoughts as previously mentioned. I find washing my hands well every 30-45 minutes or so depending on the materials I am using, trying to find out which materials are the worst and either not use them or take extra precautions, keeping hydrated and using a very mild hand lotion after tying, using mild hand soap all the time, and if needed topical hydrocortisone for when the skin is red, itchy and inflamed. I had to keep a journal for a few weeks to figure out what materials triggered my skin problems marking down each day what I tied and materials. Usually it was the following day when my skin problems erupted. I planned to discuss with my doctor but ended up figuring it out. I try not to tie flys for more than 1-1.5 hrs at a time.
  3. They arrived today at my north of the border post box. Great ties and thank you Kim for managing the swap.
  4. I am new here and I really appreciate the work it takes to keep this site going and managing the fly swaps. Thank you!
  5. Please include me. This will be my first swap so I will message you my information. Perhaps something made with antistatic bag material.
  6. I struggle with dying and really appreciate this information chugbug27. Do you add the dye(s) in step 2?
  7. Thank you Kim for the warm welcome.
  8. I have been enjoying reading content on this fly tying forum for a while and thought it is time to join. I live in Kamloops BC, fly fish for trout and started tying when I was in my teens. Took a bit of a hiatus from fly fishing and tying as work got in the way and now back at it since retiring. I tie for myself and a few friends. I look forward to giving a fly swap a go sometime. Thank you for providing the opportunity to participate.
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